Unlucky? Not Me!

This grape is the unlucky one - 2013 © Colehaus Cats

This grape is the unlucky one – 2013 © Colehaus Cats

The only unlucky one around here today is this chilled grape… just as soon as I whack it onto the floor!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Nope. Not today - 2013 © Colehaus Cats

Nope. Not today – 2013 © Colehaus Cats

Ms. Erinn Zuzu ‘Snack Cake’ Niblet is still preggers and not quite yet ready to deliver up her little Niblet lambkins. Soon, we bet because… well, it just has to be!

If anything should happen over the weekend, we’ll pop in and make an announcement!

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37 Responses to Unlucky? Not Me!

  1. *WHAP* Score: Awesome House Panther girl : 1 Grape: 0

    Black cats rule!


    pee ess: we’ll be looking for updates and are preparing for a ginger squee festival… think of all the new Tabbies….. mmmmm….. Ginger tabbiness…. uber squee….

  2. Have you scored with a direct hit yet on a sibling yet Olivia? We bet Miss Erinn Zuzu is hoping it will be soon.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. house panthers ROCK!!!

    keep bakin’ Erinn

  4. Molly The Wally says:

    LOL Panther Girl. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. prancer pie says:

    Grapes make for great entertainment. MOL!
    We can’t wait for the wee ones to make an appearance!

  6. There you go Olivia! This is lucky day!

  7. Happy Friday the 13th to our black fur sister Olivia!

  8. Angel Abby says:

    Olivia that grape doesn’t stand a chance against whappy paws!
    Oh Erin we are hoping for your niblets everyday!!!

  9. ewok1993 says:

    Olivia that is some great moves on the whap!

    Emma and Buster

  10. Fuzzy Tales says:

    That grape looks like a terrific “toy.”

    We’re on tenterhooks, waiting for kittens! 🙂

  11. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    olivia…that grape wood make fora grate soccer game !!! we frank lee dunno nothin bout soccer but we heer itz fun coz ya chase a ball round on de ground !! best fishes two ewe this week oh end erinn…de wee ones will get heer kinda like sum time short lee soon if knot quicker than may bee a bit later !!

    hay, hope everee one haza flounder filled week oh end !!~~~

  12. speedyrabbit says:

    Hey that looks fun!xx Speedy

  13. Madi and Mom says:


  14. Whisppy says:

    That chilled grape must be really fun to whap around. We aren’t allowed to go anywhere near grapes because Mommy doesn’t trust us. Hrummpf.
    We can’t wait for the Nibblets!

  15. Chilled grapes make great toys!!

    The Florida Furkids

  16. Purr Therapy says:

    I can’t wait to see the little Niblets!!

    I’ll bet a chilled grape makes a good cat toy — it’s even better when they are frozen.

  17. We’re so excited, Olivia, not for the grape, but for the kittens… Now, let’s play. Pawkiss 🙂

  18. Sparkle says:

    Black cats are awesome! We all know that, Olivia!

  19. Timmy Tomcat says:

    That grape doent have a chance but watch for him being sneaky
    I dont know if kitty is ready. She does not have that Ready-To-Go look.

  20. FORE!

    That the right fore for grape golf?


  21. That grape looks like a lot of fun. Just *don’t bite it*. Don’t ask how we know.

  22. Jacqueline says:

    Kill that evil grape, beautiful Olivia!!…Our Mommy thinks black cats and the number 13 are both very lucky, sweetheart!…Good luck with the delivery, lovely Erinn Zuzu!…Happy weekend, dear friends…xoxo…Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat

  23. Flynn says:

    Whapping grapes looks like fun. I have been whapping cherry tomatoes!
    Hope the niblets soon arrive.

  24. Fraidy Cats! says:

    we agree Olivia, black cats are vereh lucky 🙂 we can’t wait for kitten news!

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

  25. Oh Olivia, we’d like to come over and whap all those grapes off of there!

    And Miss Snack Cake…when we’re there to whap the grapes, we’ll induce labor! 🙂

  26. Maggie says:

    Friday the 13th is lucky and so are beautiful black cats like Olivia!

  27. Kitties Blue says:

    Those grapes are so fun to play with. There are two things that especially make that true. Hitting them under the stove or fridge where they stay until they turn into raisins or leaving them somewhere where a bare-footed human will step on it. That feeling is just like stepping in some good wet and slimy cat puke. MOL.

  28. Not enough there to make wine 🙂 x

  29. Did the grape survive? Can’t wait to see kitten pictures – she’s gorgeous btw!

  30. Pretinha says:

    Você tem razão, gatos pretos são sortudos!
    Vamos aguardar notícias.

  31. Toby & Leia says:

    Grape, you can roll, but you can’t hide!

    PS: we are eagerly awaiting tiny kitten tot pics.

  32. Old Kitty says:

    AWWWWWWWWWW kittens!! Awwww – sending tons of purrs and hugs to Ms Niblet!!!

    That grape is truly unlucky! 🙂 Take care

  33. Oui Oui says:

    Only the luckiest of people get to live with a real live house panther!

  34. meowmeowmans says:

    Yes, the only unlucky one is that GRAPE! MOL!

    We can hardly wait for the little Niblets to arrive. 🙂

  35. You did get that Grape good 🙂

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