*knock knock knock*
*knock knock* “Hello? It’s the air conditioning repairmen. Anyone home?” *knock knock*
What? Oh &%@#!
Oh no! Don’t let them in!
Quint makes himself scarce. Almost scarce, that is.
Is this a regular thing around here? Because with my belly, I couldn’t hide even if I wanted to.
Oh, you bunch of chickens. I’ll go see who it is. The question is do I take the easy route or do I make mom’s heart stop? C’mon, what do you think? I’m Danger Cat!
Just a little leap across here…
…watch my balance on the far side… and I’m golden!
Stop stressing, mom!
Meanwhile, after a few hours, Pia shows us how stressed she was. Geesh! As for Maxx and Olivia, they must have found extra secret hiding places because no one saw them until long after the repairmen were long gone.
“See Tessa? We didn’t even mention when the repairmen came upstairs and you went all ballistic and scratched us both.”
Quint’s hiding job is *classic*! Way to hide, dude!
Pia–my guru!
We couldn’t see Quint anywhere and we’re worried he can’t remember where he hid!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
LOL, great series of photos! Quint, you are a funny boy.
I absolutely love Quints optimistic attitude!
Tessa seeing you is like looking in the mirror…OMCs if you had a freckle on your nose we’d be identical. WHAT A FANTASTIC JUMP AND KUDOS TO THE CAMERA PERSON
Ha ha we are the opposite. No hiding for us more like a barkfest. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly
MOL! Loved this post but Tessa, you made my human’s heart stop too
Tessa, you are one brave kitty! Mom says be a nervous wreck if any of us did that. We hate strangers in the house (even if we know them). Looks like Pia had the right idea. Glad all is back to normal. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
sew…olivia N maxx ewe hada date huh
WAY awesum leepin skillz tessa …we all gived ewe 10 stars sew by R math that makes 592 !!!
hay, hope everee one haza grate week oh end, eat plentee oh ham samiches N friez….erinn; rememburr …three wee kittehz on de thurd !!!
Quint we loved the tail and Tessa wow we see why you give your Mom heart failure!! Erinn no need to worry about hiding all those niblets you’re carrying!!!
Tessa, you go girl! I frighten the human by running full pelt and landing on the wall with a 15 ft drop the other side!!
Around here, visitor protocol involves Salem loving the Stranger to death while the rest of us hide. Quint…next time remember the TAIL!
great hidy job and even better gymnastics!xx Speedy
Binga always wants to make friends with the repair humans. Especially if they are allergic to cats!
THAT move would have given Mommy a heart attack.
UTB is our favorite place when repairmen come visiting!
That jump would give our Mommy a fright, too. Scary!
MOL! Poor Erinn Nibbletts….she can’t hid with that belleh!
We’d be UTB!!!
We all make ourselves scarce when repairmens come to our house, too!
You all had a very hectic day, except for Pia – we like your mellow style!
Tessa, você é muito corajoso e curioso hehehe.
We snoopervise the work guys around here. Gotta make sure they do things right!
Jenna is gone like a flash–Stranger Danger!
All photos are amazing but those jumping ones are out of this world x