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Tag Archives: Zuzu
MultiCat Monday and Stuff
OMC! This is the closest these two ginger princesses have ever been to each other without growling and screeching! And there’s been a lot of that going on lately because both girls have laid claim to Dad’s scritching hands, usually … Continue reading
Posted in Pia, Visitors, Yard and Garden, Zuzu
Tagged Pia, Visitors, Yard and Garden, Zuzu
A 2014 Recap and Happy 2015!
All of us here at Colehaus Cats wish you a safe and healthy 2015! Thank you for visiting us, for reading our words, enjoying our photos, and leaving comments. We hope what we’re doing here works for you and that … Continue reading
Posted in Friends of Colehaus, Maxx, Miss Newton, Niblets, Olivia, Pia, Quint, Ruby, Tessa, the Dad, Toys, Vet Visit, Viola, Visitors, Yard and Garden, Zuzu
Tagged Friends of Colehaus, Maxx, Miss Newton, Niblets, Olivia, Pia, Quint, Quint Art, Ruby, Tessa, the Dad, Toys, Vet Visit, Viola, Visitors, Yard and Garden, Zuzu
Christmas Cards for Christmas!
First off, Happy Boxing Day to our friends to the north! Anything having to do with boxes is okay by us! Yesterday was a good day. We just *might* be able to thank everyone who sent us a Christmas card … Continue reading
Posted in Miss Newton, Olivia, Pia, Quint, Ruby, Tessa, Viola, Zuzu
Tagged Friends of Colehaus, Miss Newton, Olivia, Pia, Quint, Ruby, Tessa, Viola, Zuzu