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Tag Archives: Zuzu
09/22/2015 – Ruby Tuesday
I don’t know what it is about the summer but when it’s warm, I just feel more adventurous. And friendly. Here I am with Patrol Sergeant Zuzu who is off momentarily to investigate the sound of some rambunctiousness in the … Continue reading
09/11/2015 – Sleepies
It’s been a hot summer here. Hot and dry. We had a short break from that weather with some much needed cooling rain over the past week but now we’re back to the super hots, especially today. So what’s one … Continue reading
Posted in Miss Newton, Olivia, Pia, Quint, Toys, Viola, Zuzu
Tagged Miss Newton, Olivia, Pia, Quint, Toys, Viola, Zuzu
09/08/2015 – Ruby Tuesday
I find it a bit ironic that while Zuzu sees herself as the rules enforcer (allegedly doing no wrong), I have to live with this blue tape all over because she treats every piece of wood around here as her … Continue reading