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Tag Archives: Sunny
06/25/2018 – Miscellaneous Monday
Show us someone who takes lots of pet photos and we’ll bet they have lots and lots of photos that don’t turn out exactly as envisioned, yet aren’t quite bad enough to delete. We’re guilty of this and have a … Continue reading
06/22/2018 – Friday Facts or Fibs
Welcome to Friday’s Facts or Fibs! Today we’re listing five items that may or may not be true. Some are the absolute truth and two are wild statements without any truth whatsoever. Can you spot the fibs? 1 – Quint … Continue reading
06/18/2018 – Monday Mayhem
We had a bit of mayhem over the weekend and everyone seemed to be on edge. Viola kept a watchful eye on Miss Newton. Tessa kept watching Pia. Pia watched Olivia. Olivia kept watching Sunny. And Sunny kept an eye … Continue reading
Posted in Miss Newton, Olivia, Pia, Quint, Sunny, Tessa, Viola
Tagged Miss Newton, Olivia, Pia, Quint, Sunny, Tessa, Viola