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Tag Archives: Sunny
05/22/2020 – Flashback Friday
In celebration of dear ginger girls past. Quint reminds us not to forget about this dear ginger boy who would like some petting right this minute! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ We’ll be off next Monday for the U.S. Memorial … Continue reading
09/14/2018 – Friday’s Facts or Fibs
Today, we’re listing five items that may or may not be true. Three are absolute truths and two are wild statements without any truth whatsoever. Can you spot the fibs? 1. When a big truck rumbles down the street, Quint … Continue reading
08/03/2018 – Friday Facts or Fibs
Today, we’re listing five items that may or may not be true. Three are absolute truths and two are wild statements without any truth whatsoever. Can you spot the fibs? 1. Angel Sunny’s favorite reading book was Raymond Chandler’s Short … Continue reading
Posted in Miss Newton, Olivia, Puzzles, Quint, Sunny, Tessa, Viola
Tagged Miss Newton, Olivia, Puzzles, Quint, Sunny, Tessa, Viola