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Tag Archives: Puzzles
09/28/2018 – F is for Friday
What the FIDDLESTICKS, Mom??!!?? It’s Friday and it’s Four in the morning! Mom gets up at four a.m. each Friday to ready herself for her job that starts at 6 a.m. and ends twelve hours later. Ditto both Saturday and … Continue reading
09/26/2018 – Why Not Wednesday
We’re remembering our friend Madi today! Viola hopes she’s getting it right. Am I doing this right . . . right . . . right? Hey! . . . Hey! . . . Hey! It’s all echo-y in here . … Continue reading
09/21/2018 – Few Words Friday
When I wake up, my Mom is already gone to a place she calls work. I’m going to sit here all day and wait for her to come home. . . . unless Dad calls you for a brushing or … Continue reading