Excuse me… I burped. Did you see it? No? Well then, nevermind…
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HAHAHA!! We missed it because we were concentrating on your beautifulness!!
The Florida Furkids
Your whiskers are so lovely we didn’t notice your burp.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Well, your mouth is minutely more open in picture #2. If that was it, then we would not have nown if you had not told us.
Didn’t see the burp ‘cuz we were counting your whiskers. You’re gorgeous!
Love, Hemingway and Shakespeare
We were waiting for the Prettiest Ruby but we suppose Ruby couldn’t outdo herself after that last shot. Gorgeous girl.
Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis
Ruby. How I love your pretty face and sparkling gem-like eyes.
Hehehe!! Ruby, you are too precious!
Was it right after breakfast you burped ?? 🙂
Hehehe well done Ruby,xx Speedy
Barely. We were focused on your beautiful whiskers ! Purrs
hey beautiful! our mom just kissed the screen, yuck 🙂
Emma and Buster
Hahaha. I thought I missed something when I went from 1 to 2 and then by 3 I realized what you were going for. you could be a street performer that only moves for dollars! – Crepes.
We were too busy looking at your pretty eyes to notice the burp!
Aaaaw Ruby yous do look bootyful.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
Sorry missed it. You are welcome to play with my new toy. 🙂
I was so distracted by your lovely fur colors that I would not have noticed if you burped
Very nice photos Ruby.
ruby, rubee N rubie…awesum fotoz two day 🙂 ♥♥♥♥♥
Hahameow, we missed it, but you looked gorgeous in all three pics, Ruby!
(Is this a return to Ruby Tuesdays????)
Yep, Ruby Tuesdays are back! Ruby insisted.
We missed it! But we bet it was the cutest burp…just like you. 🙂
Beautiful Ruby whiskers!
Even Beauties burp. ❤️
That’s right, they do! Even lovely roasted chicken burps.
You are beautiful Ruby!
It was a very ladycatlike burp, though.
Nope. That got passed us! Such pretty pics of you Ruby!
You are even pretty when you burp!
You are such a pretty one Ruby!
You are pretty Ruby! And we doubt you even know what BURP means! :p
the critters in the cottage xo
I blame that kind of stuff on my brothers, Ruby!
tee hee!
I was wondering about that middle photo!
Even if you did burp, you’re adorable, Miss Ruby!
We didn’t even notice the burp as we were admiring those beautiful whiskers!
Nope, missed it here. You are a gorgeous kitty.
Oh Ruby your gorgeous eyes and beautiful whiskers distracted us MOL!
You hid it very well, and we never would have guessed had you not confessed. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo