Olivia’s teensy teeth tips. Can you see them?
(With sleeping sister Miss Newton.)
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Gotta love kitty teeth! So cute!
Oh so adorable against all that beautiful black! We love little fangs!
Can Olivia get any more adorable?! And that expression on her face, as well! So adorable.
Oh yes we can! Such cute.
Nós também podemos ver!
We do see tiny fangs, so cute!
Fangs for that Olivia!! MOL
Just the tips of those toothies can still give a sharp nip so watch out for your fingers.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
We spy them too Olivia!
We see peeping toothies. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly
I think I do. I THINK I DO!
Hee hee, you’re the cutest vampire we’ve ever seen ! Purrs
so cute!!
OH I love kitty teefs more than almost anything except more kitty teefs and kitty paw pads.
ohhhh they are teeny-tiny!
Oh yes! We do see them!
Little Vampire Kitty teeth! 🙂
I vant to bite your neck!!
OMC, I think I’m in love!
We see them, sweet Olivia! And we LOVE them (and you, too, of course)! 🙂
Olivia we all see them!
Purrfect little teefees!
I do that too, Olivia. The mom says my white teefs show up better because I’m black.
We bet your claws show up really well then too because Olivia’s REALLY show up again her black fur.
Olivia, you made our mom squeeeeeee! Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista jo
Teefs AND eyes Olivia! You are a cutiepie! 🙂
the critters in the cottage xo
SQUEEEE!!! Itty Bitty Baby Fangs!!