Multi-Cat Monday.

Pia, Zuzu and Olivia soaking up the sun - 2014 © Colehaus Cats

Pia, Zuzu and Olivia soaking up the sun – 2014 © Colehaus Cats

We’re into winter’s home stretch and Spring’s on the horizon! We’ve been having lots of showery days sprinkled with bouts of bright, bright sun. And everyone here seems to know the best places to nap to soak up what they need. Pia, not exactly a sun-lover with her long, thick fur, likes the cool desk counter (where she can keep abreast of everything Facebook), while Zuzu and Olivia relax in the last of our winter sun, waiting for afternoon room service. Treats on silver trays, anyone?

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25 Responses to Multi-Cat Monday.

  1. We are soaking up the sun’s rays today too – it is cold outside but so warm through the windows. Great picture getting the three of them together.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. What a peaceful scene! Enjoy recharging your solar batteries. And Pia, Newton is just like you, preferring the shade to getting too much heat with his extra fur. More Facebook time for both of you!

  3. Fuzzy Tales says:

    Hmmph. It’s about minus 30 Celsius today, with the windchill. No “home stretch” for winter for us!

    We might have to teleport over…Certainly we could go for treats on a silver tray!

  4. I was hopin’ for some spring to head on up to us but I awoke this mornin’ to discover that it had snowed AGAIN overnight. MOUSES!


  5. we sure hope that Spring makes an appearance SOON! We are still buried in cold and snow here 🙁

  6. Oh I love stretching out in the sun…if I could find any.

  7. Enjoy soaking up your rays and let us hope for a nice early Spring. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  8. Sparkle says:

    It is feeling very much like spring here too, after all the rain we had this weekend!

  9. Brian says:

    If y’all see Spring please send it our way too!

  10. Sun is good here, we agree soaking it as Mom types!

  11. In case you were by the computer waiting for a hello, here it is Miss Pia!
    love and kisses from your Dexter!

    • colehauscats says:

      How did you ever guess? Right now, she’s taking in sixty degree spring whiffies at the open window and we bet she’s blowing some of that warm weather your way. 🙂

  12. Toby & Leia says:

    What a lovely nap pile that is. And yes, treats on a silver tray sounds quite acceptable. I think we speak for the entire Cat Blogosphere on this issue.

  13. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    yes pleez…we will haza sum ham samiches, a few slices oh perch, flounder, sardeenz, whitefish, trout, toona, herring, mackerull N salmon…tho we reeely due knot knead it on a tray….coz itz goin rite inta R stomachs !!

  14. We never turn down treats 🙂
    We also like the sunny spots!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    and Angels Tiger and Tillie

  15. ewok1993 says:

    what a relaxing picture you shared here today.

  16. We can only dream of spring as we look at a foot of snow outside out window.

  17. We still have a foot of snow but dream of Daylight Savings time…

  18. Rumblepurr says:

    Oooo I’ll have some treats!!

  19. It smells like spring here too, and we enjoy the sun after some rainy days. Purrs

  20. Whisppy says:

    We’re missing our sun puddles now that the haze is back. We’re waiting for heavy heavy rain to wash all the haze away so we can enjoy our sun puddles again!

  21. Marg says:

    We just hope we get some sun puddles today. It has turned cold here again. Have a great day you three.

  22. Kitties Blue says:

    Treats on silver trays? Do you have space for eight more kitties? Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

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