Mancat Monday – Seth, the Dangler.

Super Sweet Blogging Award.

Thank you, Nerissa for our
Super Sweet Blogging Award!

We feel so fortunate and honored here at Colehaus Cats to have received this Super-Sweet-Blogging-Award from Nerissa of Nerissa’s Life! Having been blogging here for just under one year, we try super-hard to share the super-sweetest bits of the Colehaus Crew. And if anyone’s blog could be called super-sweet*, well, that would be Nerissa’s! So to be named super-sweet by the super-sweetest, OMC! We’re in cupcake heaven! Thank you, Nerissa! If you haven’t yet, please go give him (yes, HIM!) a visit. We think you’ll agree with us!

*Colehaus Cats will not be held responsible for any cavities or dental bills that may result in viewing the super-sweet blogginess of Nerissa.

Seth Dangling. Again.

Seth Dangling. Again.

Now, for the Mancat-liness:

If last week’s Super Sloooooow ginger dangle from Miss Newton wasn’t enough, may we present Seth. Seth’s an old school dangler who prefers the classic drape and arm dangle. When not stuffing himself into enjoying boxes, Seth’s a Master Dangler. Chairs, countertops, tables, wherever. If it’s got an edge or an arm, he’s on it. Personally, we think he was a circus cat before he found us; a past, perhaps somewhat shady profession he’s not quite convinced us of otherwise.

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18 Responses to Mancat Monday – Seth, the Dangler.

  1. Seth, how do you do that? MOL ..Big ConCatulations on the yummy award 🙂 xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  2. Savannah says:

    Now that is some dangle! I don’t do that so guess I’m not from a circus…MOL, paw pats, Savannah. PeeEss I think Nissy is super sweet too!

  3. Whisppy says:

    Oh, that’s a wonderful position to just hang out!

  4. Seth you are a dangling genious. Congratulations on your award. Have a marvelous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. Penelope says:

    Yous does dangle pretty good!
    And Concatulations!
    Me thinks yous really is sweet!

  6. As long as he has no cattoos from the circus, then that’s ok by me!

    Concats on the award!

  7. Toby & Leia says:

    Concats on the award! And that dangling, that is premium quality.

  8. CATachresis says:

    That is a dangle par excellence Seth!!! ConCats on the award from Nerissa, who is just great, especially when he writes about peep #1!!

  9. Hey Seth, I love to dangle too! The humans laugh, but you and I know it’s totally comfy!

  10. Adan & Lego says:

    Nice to meet you!!!!
    And I love your “hanging out” pose,
    that is comfy and cool!

  11. Sparkle says:

    Concatulations on your award! Binga does most of the dangling around here.

  12. William says:

    Seth, you goose! Doesn’t someone come along to give those toes a nip?

  13. Looks comfy to me. Nin from Hailey and Zaphod’s life

  14. I LOVE seeing your arms dangling adorable! xoxoxo

  15. Con-cats on your award! You certainly deserve it 🙂
    purrrs xx

  16. That’s a pretty cool award nerissa gave you! WOO! Um…Seth? That doesn’t look comfy at ALL. Just meowin’. (MOL)

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