The post that was slated for today was going to be a post-Father’s Day announcement from Viola. It got delayed and will come on a later date.
In lieu of that post, here is a (your choice) Make-up Monday or Mprovised Monday post that comes courtesy of our repeat visitor Peeknthrough.

She’s been showing up every morning looking a bit closer to debut of kits, but we have yet to see them. Here’s hoping that we will soon be introduced to another generation of raccoons that we’ll insist will stay wild raccoons.
This morning she was part of a co-visit that included Princess, Whittles and Scruffy. They all got along with no issues of any kind. Everyone got along.
wavez two ewe ree pete vizator peek !!! hope thiz findz ewe healthee N happee 🙂 N all de best two de wee onez ~~~~~~~~ ♥♥
Good luck with that, lol. Ours never seem to.
They are really very cute!
We think it’s so fun that you get to see a raccoon all the time. (Though we know they can be quite vicious when they want to be.) All we see are silly geese.
She is so cute!
My human caught some raccoons dashing by on the security cam the other evening!
So cute!
Aww, she is so adorable!
So cute. We haven’t seen our resident raccoon in quite a while, but Stinky and Periwinkle met two really cute ones at the Mill Mountain Zoo during their adventure this week. They wish you would come by our Tuesday post and read about it. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer