Sleepy Miss Newton – 2014 © Colehaus Cats
Hey now! No fair snapping away at me when I’ve just woken up. I’m supposed to be portrayed as the more refined cat in this house. You’ve captured my early morning mussed up furs and my squinty eyes that aren’t even focused yet. And yeah, so what if my tongue is sticking out just a bit? So what? I know I said I wanted more photos of me on our blog but you’re not playing fair. Just see if I cooperate in the future!

Getting the Point – 2014 © Colehaus Cats
Have I made my point? Or do I need to make it more clear?
That is telling that person with the darn camera, Newton. Good for you. But we do enjoy seeing you. Happy Friday to all of you.
Oh dear. That’s Moms for ya – they go for the silly, don’t they ?
Miss Newton, you look fabulous even when you are sleepy! I don’t believe you can take a ‘bad’ photo, no siree!
That’s right Newton you tell the camera person to go away.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
around our house, you show points like that and you get a manicure 🙂
Why does that flashy box have to be everywhere? How would THEY like it if we caught them when they just woke up?
The Florida Furkids
That second action photo is superb, and adorable. Bet the photographer is happy you didn’t plant that claw in her. Hope you will join us for our Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Drats that flashy beast gets everywhere. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly
I think you need to make it clearer. Put the OW into meow.
newton…frank lee we think yur mornin foto rocks….ya look like a wee lionezz….awesum !! heerz hopin everee one haza happee fryday caturday & savoree salmon Sunday ♥♥♥
I do think you made your point quite well, Miss Newton!
Oh you got RIGHT to the point, in the most pointy-est way EVAH! Way ta go!!!
Sheesh. Nothing like having a picture of your bed-head posted! But you did get your “point” across…loud and clear!
The Island Cats said it !
That’s so not fair, Miss Newton. And yes, you made your point!
Think ya got da point across.
That hole will certainly serve as a reminder!
You still look cute, Newton.
That first photo so looks like a lion’s face GORGEOUS
whoa! You look like a hunter, a big cat hunter! Feel a little better, Newton?