If I fits, I sits. Hmm, good rule.
This one’s pretty good. It’s okay, I guess.
Too big. Plus, it smells like old cardboard. I mean, really, really old cardboard. Pre-sniffed cardboard, if you know what I mean. All the good smells have already been taken!
Now this is living! Fits just right.
What? Can’t a boy let it all hang out if he wants to?
Once you find the purrfect box…it’s purrfection!
Seth couldn’t agree more!
Yes, that’s just about purrfect, if you ask us! 🙂
so that is why boxes who sit here for a while start to get ignored.. thank you for explaining it so I can understand 🙂
Nothing is worse than over-sniffed cardboard. Except maybe pre-chewwed cardboard, Seth assures us.