Dear Niblets,
Today you are one week old. Perhaps you should have been called, ‘The Over-Achievers.’ You are all big for your age and that gives us more of you to love. And are those eyes we see beginning to open almost a week early? We weren’t sure what to expect when your mama came into our lives but now, we couldn’t imagine it any other way.
You are roly-poly, wee bundles of fur and baby fluff with your blue eyes ready to open to see the world and your tiny sweet earflaps make us want to nibble them. And so far, you are amazingly, remarkably, thankfully quiet at night. We know that will change. After the four hour online frenzy of your birth just a week ago, we’ve enjoyed this brief week of nighttime silence.
This past week, we gave you names. Someday, your forever families will probably change those but we hope you like what we picked for you for now. Soon, you’ll be able to hear things – your mama’s purring meows, us calling to you, the Ellen show on TV. We look forward to the weeks ahead, watching you become miniature cats and seeing your personalities develop. Thank you for coming into our lives. We are so happy to be a small part of yours.
Grow well, not-so-little Niblets.
Kisses and love,
Your human Mom & Dad
What a lovely little family. They are each precious including Momma Erinn!
They’re so cute! And who knows, the forever families might not change the names, since you picked such pawesome ones.
We love seeing those little ones all snuggling together – only one ginger one like Mommy Erinn. We love the names you chose and hope at least some of them will be kept.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
We can hardly believe how much they have grown in a week. What fun for the humans to enjoy this experience along with Mom Erinn. We are anxious for them to reach all the various milestones, such as their eyes opening. We really appreciate the updates. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Happy one week, cuties! I bet the humans can spend hours just watching you
they are soooooooooooooooooo precious!!
Awe. So sweet. I remember when I took in a pregnant stray. She had five kittens and I kept four of them. I do remember those days. Have fun.
Mommy is betting at least one stays there!
Mowzers, were WE ever that tiny? They are sooooooo cute!
what a great mum Erinn is,xx Speedy
So sweet! Thank you for caring for them so well. – Crepes.
oh they are adorable. Thank you for sharing them with all of us.
Oh I so agree with Katnip Lounge. I bet you will keep at least one. They are just the cutest.
Can a blog post have TOO much cuteness? I’m so happy you are sharing this family with us!
Erinn is such a wonderful mama. Mommy says this reminds her of Meow-Me and her babies, Coco and Felix. It was really lovely to be able to watch them grow up from birth.
Aww, such a sweet video. Benny is sitting on my lap and was listening intently as it played.
So cute and what a lovely family. Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly
So sweet! I can only imagine how incredibly difficult it will be when the time comes for these precious babies to go to their forever homes.
They are so adorable and Erin’s is such a lovely, caring mom. It’s very touching to see
The wonder of love. Thanks for sharing their tiny lives with us.
You are such wonderful foster parents for Erinn and her niblets, truly. We are so happy that Erinn ended up in your care and that her and her babies will know such love and care. Mom & Dad Colehaus, you rock!
I love the kittens’ tiny ears and the sweet noises Erinn makes to them.
Thank you for documenting and sharing the experience!
We just LOVE these Niblets!! And that video is so great. But it looks like Mama Erinn Zuzu is protecting her niblets from the pawparazzi!
Oh Wow! What cute little nibblets they is!!!!
I love those Niblets and their mama so much! I love their video too. Xxooo
What a beautiful, loving letter to the Niblets. I loved the video. Mama is so protective.
OMC that is just adorable… Erin is such a pretty cat and I love the noises she makes in the video!
They are so sweet and precious..Erinn, you did good, little mom!
The photos are so priceless. They grow up so fast and I am so excited to see their progress.
It is so great to see the kitties growing!!
Eles são adoráveis e a mamãe gata é muito atenciosa e talvez um pouco ciumenta hehehe
boa semana, amigos
Such a lovely post to such beautiful, sweet babies. Thank you for loving Erinn Zuzu and Robby, Russell, Illy and Viola so much!
guys…we loves yur mewvie N de photo shoot !!!! yur now mom & dad will hafta make sure that yur for evers mom N dad iz on werd press ore blogger coz we haz ta bee abe bull ta see ya growz up… !!!
Squieeeeeee so cute they are !
NO it´s not me squiiing it´s my mom-person
Cuteness overload x