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- meowmeowmans on 03/17/2025 – Napping with Gingers
- mochasmysteriesandmeows on 03/17/2025 – Napping with Gingers
- 15andmeowing on 03/17/2025 – Napping with Gingers
- Zoolatry on 03/17/2025 – Napping with Gingers
- Memories of Eric and Flynn on 03/17/2025 – Napping with Gingers
- Eastside Cats Blog on 03/17/2025 – Napping with Gingers
- meowmeowmans on 03/14/2025 – Spying Eyes
- messymimi's meanderings on 03/14/2025 – Spying Eyes
Category Archives: Pia
12/25/2020 – Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to all! May this day be full of wonder and joy. Thank you, you dear angels and Friends of Colehaus who helped stock the Colehaus Cats pantry and filled our hearts with hope and love by assuring we’ll … Continue reading
12/18/2020 – Dear Santa
Dear Santa, How are you? How was your summer? How is Mrs. Clause? We have been very good cats this year, as we’re sure you know. Tessa only started um, a few skirmishes and may have wiped her butt on … Continue reading
12/14/2020 – Monday Memories
Today, we’re featuring four Colehaus Cats babies from 2012, using mostly previously unpublished photos (Mom has THOUSANDS of these). Some might say we’re also featuring cats who, at one time, actually got along with one another. No, that midnight cat … Continue reading
Posted in Flashback Cats, Olivia, Pia, Quint, Tessa
Tagged Flashback Cats, Olivia, Pia, Quint, Tessa