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Author Archives: colehauscats
04/12/2024 – Finally Friday
I don’t get enough socialization, Dad. I don’t have any friends. I’m like a shut-in here. I think I’m supposed to be unhappy with this realization, Dad. Hmm, do you want to have friends? You have two sisters and a … Continue reading
04/10/2024 – The Spring Tuxie
As with most of the cat toys around Colehaus, we too are ignored sometimes. Tessa spent most of the winter ignoring Mom and Dad completely. She wasn’t lovey, or snuggly, didn’t come when called (nothing unusual there), and wanted little … Continue reading
04/08/2024 – They’re Back
Mom, can I eat these new ants? Thank you for asking, Pia. The answer is Absolutely Not! The ants returned over the weekend and Mom took that as a personal smack in the face, given she had de-ant-ed this house … Continue reading