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Author Archives: colehauscats
05/03/2024 – Finally Friday
These are visitors Colby and Lloyd, two neighborhood cats who may, or more than likely, may not have permanent homes somewhere in the area. They are both regular visitors here at the Colehaus Feeding Stations of Kibble-y Goodness. And until … Continue reading
Posted in Outside Cats, Quint, Tessa, Visitors
Tagged Outside Cats, Quint, Tessa, Visitors
05/01/2024 – Hello May!
Mr. G, formerly known as Murray, says Hello to the month of May, one of his favorite months. One year ago, he finally came up to Mom who had patiently waited for him to do so, and accepted his first … Continue reading
04/29/2024 – MultiCat Monday
Quint and Tessa. Close but far by choice. Still okay with each other’s company. Quint still gets the pillow, Tessa still claims whatever she sets her mind to; in this case, the blanket is all hers. The confident outstretched paw … Continue reading