. . . sometimes, it simply sprinkles. Nothing else broke around here, but Mom has come down with a cold, probably gotten from her job where 2/3rds of her coworkers are sick with this, that, and everything else. Everyone needed to be at work just before Christmas and everyone showed up, sick or not.
This situation is tempered by two things: 1) Yesterday, she discovered she won fifty dollars in a scratch-off lottery ticket someone gave her as a gift, and 2) she gets to convalesce with a couple of cute kitties. Maybe they think she’ll spend that entire fifty dollars on cat treats?

Good try, sweeties. Keep dreaming.
Since Mom’s feeling under the weather, we’ll give her a few days off and will be back on Monday, January 2nd with our 2022 year in review. From our hearts to yours, have a happy, joy-filled, and safe New Year. See you soon in 2023!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2021 – No post
2020 – No post
2019 – No post
2018 – No post
2017 – No post
2016 – More Catmas!
2015 – Nosey
2014 – No post
2013 – Dear Niblets, Week Twelve
2012 – The Problem with Sharing
Ugh, a cold!
Well, winning that $50 was a treat, and perhaps your luck is turning.
Colds are not fun but winning $$ is great.
Well, I think your mom made out pretty good despite getting that cold. Purrs that she feels better soon.
We are sorry to hear Mom Cole caught that cold, but the $50 scratch off and sweet and loving feline nurses are big pluses, for sure. Happy New Year, dear pals. XO
Your poor Peep! We send some extra healing purrs. I love it when my Peep spends the whole day in bed! She bounces around to much on the sofa. Keep being awesome guys And HAPPY NEW YEAR! Wishing you 12 months of success, 52 weeks of laughter, 365 days of fun, 8,760 hours of joy, 525,600 minutes of good luck, and 31,536,000 seconds of happiness. Purrs Marvelous Marv
Congrats on the winning ticket. I hope your mom feels better soon. XO
Feel better soon, but pawsome news about the $$$!
We sure hope all the office doesnt have the Covid. We haven’t had it here. TBT has been a dedicated masker fer almost 2 years now. It was N-95s for the first year but he has relaxed to wear regular masks since then. It also helps that he doesn’t haver to leave the den except once a week for fresh fruits and veggies.
Congrats to Mom getting a winning ticket. TBT says it sounds like Treats&Wine all around!
Hope your mom is soon feeling better. Great news on the winning ticket. Happy New Year.
Happy New Year!