Thank you again for your Christmas gifts and cards, in all forms! This is our Christmas and we enjoy and savor each and every one. Thank you, dear Friends of Colehaus!
We were supposed to be hit with a rare Christmas Day snow storm that had Mom and Dad worried. Dad had to work that day, across the river in Portland, and since Mom was off work, she had to drive him there (to save on Lyft ride costs). The morning drive was fine, no problems, it wasn’t even cold enough for snow. And the late evening drive was exactly the same. No rain, no snow, not even cold enough for much of anything. So, no problems. Disappointing? A little, but no worries, either.
Then, snow greeted us Sunday morning on Boxing Day. Thankfully, Dad’s off work until later in the week.

Teensy-tiny flakes fell on and off most of the day while the streets stayed pretty much bare. Snow doesn’t stop our visitors. Lloyd (see above) is a new boy in the neighborhood and just as elusive as Rusty. Mom thinks Lloyd is a little deaf; not completely, and she hopes to get to know him better in the future. She keeps saying that about Rusty, too, but nothing has changed Rusty’s mind. He’s his own cat and has little use for some lady shaking a food bowl.

Raccoons visit every day after dark and Mom was downright squealing with giddiness when she spotted an opossum on our fence Christmas eve. It’s been nearly twenty years since we’ve had a ‘possum on our property and Mom loves them dearly. “A Christmas miracle,” she proclaimed and hopes to see it again soon, if for no other reason than to capture a few photos of “Paulie.”

Elsewhere in the garden, two things are flowering including a pretty low-growing perennial that, sadly, we’ve lost the tag for, and a pot of rosemary. The holly bushes are filled with bright red berries and from a window, Quint still enjoys watching the birds flit in and out of the big bushes, nibbling on berries.

Mom’s Cyclamen is doing exceptionally well. She checks it once or twice a month and rakes the hazelnut shells close around the plant. Those shells really do keep the slugs away!

It’s a good thing Mom likes moss, because we have lots of it covering rocks and boulders outside this year. Let’s not forget we’ve had a few moss-less years fairly recently. Because she’s a moss fan, during those moss-less years Mom gave serious thought to creating an indoor Mossarium, which is like a terrarium but with different kinds of moss. There are gorgeous Mossarium photos online, and how-to books and videos and kits and even completed Mossariums to buy and admire, if one were to do so. But since she has little free time, Mom’s decided she already lives in a Mossarium-world that just happens to be called the Pacific Northwest. And that’s good enough for her.

Another thing we haven’t seen in a few years are Paperwhite Narcissus. Both Mom and Dad LOVE Paperwhites, but they can be expensive. We’re lucky to have received a handful of bulbs in late November and all, kept well away from the cats, are now blooming spectacularly! Dad always mentions how he adores the strong fragrance that some people claim smells like dirty litter boxes. Being as he’s the head litter box cleaner around here (twice a day, every day!), he assures those people Paperwhites do not smell like dirty litter boxes, and if yours does, you need to simply send all your Paperwhites to him to enjoy.

Lastly, Olivia and Quint wish you to know it’s definitely time for snuggly and warm flannel sheets and the official sheet changer here needs to get with the program. Okay, kitties. Consider it done!
Thanks for visiting Colehaus! We hope you had a wonderful Christmas weekend!
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A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2020 – No post
2019 – No post
2018 – No post
2017 – Holiday Aftermath
2016 – No post
2015 – No post
2014 – No post
2013 – Colehaus Cats Christmas
2012 – No post
We have a lot of moss too, but it’s growing on the ground because the trees never allow much light through to grow much else. This is why I’m planting native species of plants to grow in the ‘understory’, but I’m leaving the moss there too!
We have two visiting cats, who also are not very impressed with the ‘shake shake shake’ of a container of kibble, but someone is eating it. Hoping to get into a routine to determine if these are strays or just wandering ‘hood cats.
A couple of inches of snow fell this early morning, and the temps are rising so perhaps most of it will melt away. Darn glad to not have to commute, but I’m off work until next year anyhow…the corporate doesn’t have many holiday days during the year, then bunches them all up for Christmas/New Years.
Hugs and purrs to you all.
It sounds like you had a really nice Christmas weekend! My human promises that if we are lucky, we may actually see some snow this upcoming weekend. Not at our house, of course, but not far!
Merry Christmas, my friends. Happy Boxin’ Day, too!
Is that your peeps’ rosemary bloomin’? Peepers is happy if she just doesn’t kill hers. It has never bloomed.
We had a green Christmas here in Nova Scotia – AGAIN – but oh-my-mouses it was cold. Good thing we cats have got the furs. PURRS
The weather sure has been strange! We had a wet Christmas here…mostly rain. Usually we have snow by now.
I’m glad the weather vs. work thing worked out! Lloyd looks like quite the healthy chap, and handsome too!
Paperwhites are beautiful and I agree they don’t smell like dirty litter boxes. I am glad you had a nice Christmas. I hope you have a happy and healthy new year. XO
The flowers are looking lovely. We have a variety of narcissi growing on the bank of our drive including paperwhites and pheasant eyes which are my two favourites. We didn’t get as many come up last year, I think the mice had a chew at the bulbs
We are glad it did not snow until after Dad Cole was off of work for a few days! All in all, it sounds like you had a nice Christmas. Fingers and paws crossed for a wonderful 2022! XO