Dear Santa,
How are you? How was your summer? How is Mrs. Clause? We have been very good cats this year, as we’re sure you know. Tessa only started um, a few skirmishes and may have wiped her butt on freshly cleaned floors once or twice. Maybe more but we’re sure she’ll ‘fess up if pressed on the matter. Or maybe not. You should keep an eye on that one, Santa.

Pia, on the other hand, barfed only one time. She left the spiders alone this year, it would seem. She did however, take a good swipe at Quint over the summer and left him with a big scratch on his nose. Knowing Quint, he was probably sticking his big nose in her business, but then again, they do like to sleep in the same spot every night and you’d think they’d learn to share by now. Pia doesn’t like to share anything, so there’s that. We’re sure you have this in your notes.

Quint, well, enough said about him and his nosey nose. Mostly, he just makes blanket forts and takes legendary naps . . . when he’s not instigating Tessa into a tussle. Hey, maybe she stuck her nose in his business!

Viola hogs the box up on the kitchen island. There, it’s said. Somebody has to call her out on it. We all know whomever is in the box gets the most attention. The rest of us could be sitting on the floor like super good kitties, wailing for treats at the tops of our lungs and Viola in the island box, silent as could be, and she’d be the one getting brushies and attention. You might think that without a tail, she wouldn’t need as much brushies as she gets, but she demands them. Demands! Can you believe it? The nerve!

Then, there’s Olivia who might have barfed a few times but for good reason, who chased Viola for good reason and broke one of Mom’s ceramic bowls for good reason. The reason? Olivia is an adorable black kitty who just recently came out of her shell and adores attention, no matter what it takes. I’ve been extra good this year, Santa, and I hope that counts for something extra special delivered by you. Please don’t take my cynical comment the other day about your not-so-tiny reindeer personally and don’t hold that broken bowl against me. I was probably tired of Mom and everyone else’s antics while trying to maintain a perfect black cat demeanor. You know how tough that can be.

Thanks, Santa, and stay safe on the big night!
Olivia, the best cat in the world
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Hey, want a great looking holiday e-card that has a cat on it? How about two? We got ’em. Check out our 2020 holiday e-cards over there –> in the upper right sidebar. Want a copy of your very own? Click on either e-card to see a full size version, and simply right click and select Save image as . . . Decide where you want to save it to and there you go! Happy Holidays!
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A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2019 – Cats Who Sing, Episode 8
2018 – No post
2017 – Monday Merriment (with Mac)
2016 – No post
2015 – Snuggles with Viola and a Friday Flashback
2014 – No post
2013 – Erinn Zuzu
2012 – No post
I thought Olivia had made a change! I didn’t remember her being so involved in day-to-day. Kitties, it’s all on their terms! Happy Hplidays to all!
I’m sure Santa will love reading your letter, we did!
We’re sure Santa appreciated the update…and will be checking his list once or twice.
Santa will be very glad that you kept him up to speed with all that is going on, Olivia.
Olivia, you are the resident tattle tale like my Rosie. I hope Santa is good to all of you. XO
Adorable letter, Olivia!
Sounds like things have been busy at your house this year!
Such gorgeous photos of all of The Colehaus Cats!
Santa love kitties…how could he not?
Olivia, way to tell it how it is. Haha. We know that Santa sees all, but we are sure he appreciates your report. 🙂
We think you’ve all been good kitties and deserve some extra love and a few treats.
Ummmm…….. I wiped my butt on the new carpet. I might be in trouble.