This isn’t what it looks like. I know, you’re thinking Mom got a photo of me in an embarrassing position but then, you’d be wrong. Actually, what I’m doing is trying to block my sight from Mom super-cleaning under the big bed where I sleep. It took me a L-O-N-G time to get fur and dust bunnies just right under there, where my favoritest hammick and toys reside, where all my extra whiskers and nail sheathes stay close at paw, and where I can keep an eye on anyone who comes and goes.
Now, Mom’s vacuuming and mopping every square inch. She even sorted, consolidated, and washed, WASHED as in WASHED WITH WATER, all our toys!

I think she threw out my YeowWW nanner! Sure, I had chewed a hole or three in it a long time ago and that pretty much emptied it of that great YeowWW nip and all of that just happened to be all over the floor. But it was on the floor WHERE I WANTED IT TO BE and now it’s vacuumed up! Mom, why? WHY?
Next, she’s threatening promising to wash the walls and rearrange all the other cat things like beds and towers and bowls. Boy, some cats are surely not going to be happy with that! Poor things!

Oh, I can’t watch anymore. Besides that, it’s past my naptime.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2020 – No post
2019 – No post
2018 – No post
2017 – No post
2016 – No post
2015 – No post
2014 – Sleepy Pia and Niblet Updates
2013 – Ruby Tuesday
2012 – Dreaming of Youth and Cookies
This is horrible news.
Don’t worry about the same thing happening to The Eastside Cats; ever ball of fur or nail sheath is safe where it is, ’cause I hate to vacuum and The Hubby doesn’t even know where the vacuum cleaner is stored.
Sure, a brief sweep may happen around litter boxes, but if the cats have furred it, it’s gonna stay.
That is, until Spring Cleaning…
Moms can go too far with this “cleaning” that they do! Mine tried to throw away my perfectly good catnip tomato but I went in the trash can and took it out! Signed, Lucy
Oh no,what a horrible thing to do. Pia! You worked so hard getting everything as you wanted it.
Oh my cod! She threw out your nip nanner??? The horrors! ~Ernie
I hope Santa brings you a new nip nanner. XO
That cleaning thing is way overrated sweet Pia!
Oh wow, your human is on a rampage!
Lordy lordy lordy, doesn’t she know you JUST DON’T WASH CAT TOYS?! Good Heavens, she sounds like mom when she’s on a cleaning tear.
What??? That’s just wrong, Pia! She threw away your nip nanner? IT sounds like you had it just right!!!