“Dad, could you come here for a minute? We need to discuss something.”
Okay, what’s up?

“Now that I have your attention, does this water bowl look appropriately filled to you? Because I’m thinking . . . no. Tell me I’m wrong.”
And you know, Dad hopped right to it, emptied the water bowl, swished fresh water in it, and refilled it fuller than before. It was, in Pia’s eyes, a Christmas miracle.
We won’t mention the tiny fact that this bowl is cleaned and refilled every other day along with the three other bowls located throughout the house, all of which were full, and that it was this one alone that was, apparently, non-compliant.

“You aren’t mocking me now, are you?”
**sputter sputter** uh, no. We’d never!
~ ~ ~ ~
With sad news, we report a raccoon culling event recently woke us up early and by our count, we might have two raccoons left who visit, down from at least eight. We don’t know who or why but we do know of one constantly-irate neighbor who complains nonstop on the NextDoor ap about wanting to shoot the raccoons that cross his unfenced backyard from the green space creek to the rest of the neighborhood. From the sounds, someone did.
Or it could be related to the recent sale of part of the green space to a housing developer. So much for being told 26 years ago the green space would be forever protected against development. The sold part of the green space is/was home to rabbits, raccoons, coyotes, and birds including osprey who sometimes fish in the small creek. Shame on you, developer.
On the other hand, we may see more cat visitors over the next year as new people move in. Stay tuned.
Also, it would seem 2024 has been the Year of the Dead Appliances at Colehaus. A week ago, the mother board on our clothes dryer died. It was only 7 years old, the matching twin to the washer that fled to wetter pastures in August, a youngster compared to the 25 year old refrigerator that went to the big freezer in the sky in June. The new dryer arrived Saturday and of course, there’s a dent. A small one. And they broke our front door hinge but we got $40 back from the appliance store so all is good (?).
By Mom’s estimates, the dishwasher (25+ years old) and the water heater (8 years old) will be next because, why not? Some comforting words sent to Mom would be . . . um, comforting as she’s feeling a bit defeated by this long, long string of misfortune.
~ ~ ~ ~
A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2023 – No post
2022 – No post
2021 – No post
2020 – Yeah, What If?
2019 – Mischievous Monday
2018 – No post
2017 – No post
2016 – Holiday Card Bloopers
2015 – All’s Fair
2014 – No post
2013 – ManCat Monday with Calendar Cover Boy Quint
2012 – No post
It’s sad to think of someone shooting raccoons, and for a green space to be paved over and constructed upon.
If only our woes were as Pia’s upset over a waterbowl.
I am sorry to hear about the poor raccoons. I hope they come back to haunt whoever was responsible. I hope you have seen an end to appliances giving up the ghost.
Pia, your dad was very good to promptly change and refill your water bowl. Of course the other bowls were not good enough. You knew which one you wanted.
Many a Native American can relate to your dismay about the promises made for your vacant land to remain that way,
Good to keep them on their toes Pia. So sad about the raccoons. XO
Good job of making sure everything’s compliant, Pia! That’s so sad about the raccoons. Some people are really selfish and destructive…