We had a hard time getting anyone to volunteer for this year’s Christmas e-card. A very hard time. We didn’t want to disturb Olivia who was napping, Viola looked mortified and gently reminded us she was last year’s “volunteer,” and Tessa, well, Tessa’s never quite forgiven us for using her during our 2020 Christmas card bonanza in which she seemed the perfect spokescat for so many of those pressing holiday questions.

This year’s “volunteers” just did not want to get into the holiday spirit, not initially. We didn’t use catnip or treats to get them to pose because honestly, have you ever seen a cat “pose” when high on catnip? Maybe they do, but something tells us that kind of posing around here wouldn’t be appropriate for a public Christmas card.
We ended up choosing Quint and Pia. Both had been napping previously . . . which might explain the first couple of photos. We can still hear them now:
You woke us up for THIS??

Lovely. All finally turned out well as you can see up over there –> on the top of the right hand side bar (click each to see a bigger version). Probably no hard feelings either, most likely. Not like Tessa who has the memory of an elephant and holds a grunge like a grunge-holding tuxie cat. And since that’s the case, let’s revisit a couple more of Tessa’s other e-card masterpieces.

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A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2022 – No post
2021 – No post
2020 – No post
2019 – Happy Lint Day!
2018 – No post
2017 – No post
2016 – No post
2015 – No post
2014 – No post
2013 – That Niblet Boy
2012 – No post
Dearest Colehausecats,
LOVE their expressions and character showing through!
Excellent photos.
pia….we iz ROFL….yur eggz prezzion iz DE BEST…quint….sorree dood
but yur sisturr haz ya beet ! 😺😺😺😺😺
and tessa, if de dood in red witha beerd bringz ewe swan, bee it one, seven
ore 94, ewe knead ta file a law soot…
The Ginger Crew steps up to the plate…nice!
Oh Tessa, you do make me laugh!
Adroable bloopers. XO
We love those bloopers. Tessa, your saucy attitude cracks us up! XO
Too adorable!!!
Couldn’t have found two better expressions of you had tried just for that! Loved it.