Hey! I just realized something. My Dad isn’t here all day long. When did that happen? Sure, I mean, I know he had to go back to working in some office somewhere. He’s assured me they don’t have other cats there. I was paying attention when he changed from working here and then, one day months ago, left for work elsewhere. At least, I’m pretty sure I paid attention to that day.
He comes home every day, and it’s wasn’t like I needed him around here at my beck and call every single minute. It’s just, if I had a beck or a call, I could find him easily at any moment. At the very least, I could hear him nearby, probably waiting to jump at a beck or call.
And now, he’s not available for me. Hmm, I don’t think I like this turn of events. This isn’t a good way to start a Monday!
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A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2020 – No post
2019 – Judging Mom
2018 – No post
2017 – No post
2016 – No post
2015 – No post
2014 – No post
2013 – The Niblet Surprise
2012 – No post
At least he comes home to you at night. You could save your becks and calls for then.
No fair! Our mom is gone now sometimes too and it’s boring without her.
At least he comes home every day, and II am sure he is at your beck and call then.
hopefully he makes it up to you, with lots of treats and goodies! you are afterall always on your best behavior!
Darn! WIth the new variant, maybe places will go back to work from home.
Well that sure doesn’t seem right, nope, not at all!
Many kitties are finding their humans away a part of the day. We are lucky; ours is retired. It must be a change though.
Yeah, not a good way to start a Monday at all. I’m sure he’d rather be home with you too, if he could get the same pay.
I think Dad will make it up to you with lots of attention and maybe extra treats!
I sure am glad your dad comes home each day. Mine does, too, on the days he has to work in the office. Then I get lots of love and snuggles because he misses me so much. – XO Ava
Tessa, I’m working ‘remotely’ for the foreseeable future; no one is going back to the office ’round here!