See, Tessa? This is exactly why we’re always on you about your troublesome, naughty ways. We’re not the only ones watching, you know. Maybe, if you’re really good between now and the end of the month, maybe Santa will come through for you. That means no more mean tussling with your brother Quint. No more growling at your sisters Olivia and Pia. No more whappy paws with baby sister Viola. No more jumping on the counter in the middle of a cutting board full of food. No more knocking lamps over. Basically, no more of the things you seem to love so much. Does that make sense to you?

Hmm, I’m having a problem with the phrase, “No more . . .”. What does this mean and why would you ever think it might pertain to me? And besides, you’re telling me Santa was never naughty? He lands on people’s roofs, for Pete’s sake. With reindeer, no less! Last time I checked, people’s roofs don’t have reindeer-sized litter boxes on them. Just think about that for a minute, hmm?
Tessa, stop justifying your actions. Does someone need a time-out?

Yeah, someone needs a time-out, but it shouldn’t be me.
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A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2019 – One Word Wednesday
2018 – No post
2017 – No post
2016 – No post
2015 – Saying Goodbye to Visitors
2014 – No post
2013 – Quint’s Holiday Lights
2012 – No post
We don’t think you could EVER be naughty!
The Florida Furkids
Reindeer sized litter boxes on the roof! Oh I’m dying!!!
tessa we think ewe knead ta seek leegul ree courze.. bee coz we see nothin wrong… with any thing …. ewe R a cuzed oh doin ~~~~~~ 🙂 awesum cardz guyz !! ♥♥
You made us smile so you can’t be naughty sweet Tessa!
Tessa, you don’t need a time out. XO
Oh Tessa, surely you can’t really be that naughty.
All cats are on the Nice List, Tessa! But you still have to get along with your housemates, sweetie!
Tessa, Sandy Claws is the forgiving sort,
But time is running kinna short.
So if not kinder in that time,
Youll find your Christmas gift a lime!
Tessa makes Binga look sedate! But don’t tell her that.
Haha. Tessa, we think Santa’s list is on a sliding scale.