Mom says while she’s at work, which we will remind you seems to be All.The.Time. she jots notes, all kinds of notes, lots of them, and some of which include something about us (why they don’t ALL include us is baffling). She admits most of her notes are to-do lists; things she hopes to accomplish the next time she has day or maybe even two days in a row off while others are just thoughts.
Without being too nosy, because she kind of lost us when she said her notes don’t always include us, we didn’t give it much thought . . . Okay, we’ll ‘fess up. We were VERY nosy after all. We mean, just read her crazy jottings while we try to remember this is our Mom:
Next weekend off (as if): Wash car, check tires, buy socks, mow grass, cat photos, cat blog, Instagram for cats (?), Wire out of arm, Moon walk how-to video.
We’re happy to see we’re mentioned in there though we’d like a note about brushies or treats, but Wire out of arm?? Moon walk how-to??? What ever is she thinking? Maybe we do have a crazy Mom!

Next note simply says Monday, Sept 28th. Okay. . .
Next note: Refrigerator cabinet clean out and tricks w/waste bucket, followed by:
Mayo, toothpaste, romas, tp, cat blog posts, mow lawn and water, Pia haircut, look up 401K, bananas, Quint food.
Look for weekend/night job to make up $892 monthly shortfall? Cat blog lyrics, bark mulch cost front only, trim Pia pantaloons, birthday this year? how to make playlists, check for work covid GPS app.
Things to do: Go to beach. Too costly. Go out to eat. No, expense plus Covid-19. Pick up fast food and eat in car. No, expense.
What is electric daisy carnival and why should I care?
Cat blog post – all 5 cats in a box? Close up cats, order contacts, trash bin tricks for work, feed lawn, wash car, price out safety glasses, cost of work pants, does Tessa need a sign? check cost of safety vests online.

My brother Quint tried to make sense of the crazy notes. He didn’t have much luck.
More notes: Today’s questions: 1) In an assembly warehouse, where everything is deemed unsafe, where, specifically does it state one cannot wear a tiara on one’s birthday? 2) How is it someone wakes up in the early dark hours of the morning thinking, “In two hours, I’m going to start everyone’s workday by blaring slow and sappy music that features the tuba?”
Shoe inserts, FIX SHOES, lettuce, ketchup, ground turkey, Clariton 24-hour, Iams food, broccoli, TV dinners, soup, cat litter, retractor cord for work pass, schedule oil change, cat blog post. Add to grocery list – dill pickle relish, mayo, mustard. Look up – Insurance billing data entry, metal polish.
Thought: In victim mode, though it feels good to brush away responsibilities and bemoan all the things that made you a victim, you lose all capacity to do action when action is needed the most.
For work: Rubbing alcohol, a silver Sharpie pen, gorilla glue for shoes. Lottery ticket purchase justification? Wash windows, vacuum upstairs, cat photos, pick and pull tomatoes, print out chocolate zucchini cake recipe x 2, rotate tires?
Current sheet for low items left on desk (ok), enough items for 200 units (ok), apologize and say I misspoke on upcoming job that we do create items for (ok), took coworkers to another department’s cold and flu safety talk – better to ask for forgiveness rather than permission? (ok), checked names off sheet (ok), work this weekend? (ok).

So, there you have it – our Mom’s thoughts when she’s at work. And there you have my brother Quint’s thoughts on the matter. You gotta give our Mom props for being able to do two things at once, but we still wonder why her notes aren’t jam-packed with things about us! Shouldn’t her notes read:
Cats, cats, cats, brushies, cats, treats, treats and naps, cats, treats and brushies and naps, treats and treats for us cats, cats, cats and more cats.

Nope, none of these notes say Viola, either.

I’m kind of worried about Mom and her note taking, aren’t you, sister Olivia?

For once I agree with you, little sister! Hey, do you think maybe that was Mom’s plan all along? She might just be that crazy. . .
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2019 – Wordless Wednesday
2018 – No post
2017 – Multi Ginger Monday
2016 – No post
2015 – Pia in Charge
2014 – No post
2013 – Tree Toys
2012 – No post
Your mom sure has a lot of notes! I hope they help. Have you ever put the bitey on any of them?
Ha ha! I write notes and then can’t read my scribbles. I want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving next week. I hope some of the things on your “to do” list happen.
Love and hugs,
Joan Ryan and Grady Lewis
At least your mom writes notes for herself! Ours just forgets things. MOL
Work can sure be complicated for humans, we’re glad ours gave it up.
That is a lot of notes. Good thing she writes everything down.
You can’t make any sense out of those notes…humans are weird!
I thought I wrote myself a lot of notes, but your mom leaves me standing!
I too write notes on sticky pads; then, stick ’em where I’ll remember to do the tasks!
Work notes are stuck to my desk on the left; random ‘home’ notes to the right.
I stick ’em on my purse, and on my laptop too!
Those are a LOT of notes! At least your human can find hers.
Whoa! Lots of crazy notes. I guess work isn’t too busy right now.
Wow, that is a lot of notes by your mom! At least she manages to keep them all together. So, did she get the mayo yet? We noticed she had it in two of her notes!
Tessa says, Mom got mayo. It was pretty important because sometimes I get to lick it off a spoon.
Her list sound like TBTs…