NO ONE wore a bee costume better than Maxx. Miss you, buddy!
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Sunny has yet to have a return of her UTI, making us really, really hope it packed its bags and soared away to some cold, remote place in space permanently. We may begin transitioning Sunny from her private quarters in the Cat Den to the spacious master bedroom suite this weekend; a move that, unfortunately, will disrupt everyone but will work out for the absolute best in the long run for all.
The one thing holding that move up is Ruby’s strong distrust of her personal SureFlap microchip-recognition feeder that allows her and her alone, to eat the food she loves. The noise of the thing opening still scares her, even after weeks of training, including restarting her training anew from the beginning. Ruby has always been a shy, somewhat skittish girl.
Sunny, on the other hand, is an overachiever and received a gold star within two weeks with her personal SureFlap feeder. Our hope was that these two, each with different food requirements, would have their own feeders, allowing them each to eat whenever they wished without the other stealing forbidden food. The training continues.
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We’re taking Monday off from posting anything new but we will have a photo up in our absence. Have a good weekend, and a fun and safe Halloween!
Good news about Sunny. We hope the move works out well. Happy Halloween!
The Florida Furkids
Maxx. You were just a cutie with your bee love.
Angel Maxx rocked that bee costume! We have trouble getting our cats to eat from their own bowls too; what is it that is more attractive to eat out of the other one? CATS!
Maxx was a paw-some bee!
We loved Angel Maxx. He was the cutest bee!
I hope Ruby gets used to the feeder – it sounds really useful! Binga could use one.
That is an adorable photo of angel Maxx and what beautiful eyes he had
Hugs madi your bfff
OMC! Maxx was an adorable bee!
Maxx looked so cute in the bee costume. That is good news that Sunny seems to be over her UTI.
Yes, Angel Maxx rocked it! Way to go Sunny, that’s terrific. Hey, I think a few of my sisters would be afraid of that feeder opening too.
Cutest little bee we ever saw!
Miss you sweet Angel Maxx!
Angel Maxx was adorable and such a good sport. I am glad Sunny is using her dish.
Angel Maxx looked so cute in his costume. I don’t think I’d like that feeder either.
The Bee coatume is GRRRREAT!
Oh I love that bee costume. That is actually the cutest kitty wearing one that I have seen. And I wondered about those sure flap machines. I hope that Ruby will be able to conquer her aversion.
Ruby, let us know how you adjust to that feeder. It sure might help one of us over here, too, from thieving girlcats! Maxx, you sure did know how to rock the bee outfits!
Maxx makes an incredibly cute bee! We’re glad Sunny’s been staying healthy
I miss Maxx. I’ll be checking on that Sureflap feeder. Looks cool
Angel Maxx sure did make the most adorable bee.
We’re glad to hear Sunny is doing so well. Purrs that Ruby gets used to the SureFlap feeder soon.
Hugs, and Happy Halloween!
Aww, Angel Maxx…what an adorable picture.
We didn’t realize we could get one of the feeders that could only be accessed by one cat. We have a sureflap cat door that only three can access. We are going to check out these bowls. Good luck keeping the UTI at bay. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo