10/17/2018 – What’s Up Wednesday

What's up, Viola? © Colehauscats.com

What’s up, Viola? © Colehauscats.com

Some questions from Viola who, apparently, waited until after she turned five to ask the tough ones:

What’s up with Wednesdays?
Why are cobwebs tasty?
If people were smaller than cute kittens, would cute kittens be terrifying?
Why can’t I lick my armpits?
But why can’t I get headphones so I don’t have to listen to Tessa?
If technically, my first birthday was celebrated as my second birthday, aren’t I six and not just five?
How is it Mother Nature enforces my speed limit? Is that fair?
When do new whiskers grow and why can’t I feel them grow?
If I’m brave enough, can I eat a whole egg?

Okay, Viola, you stumped us on a few of those.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A Colehaus Cats flashback:

2017 – No post
2016Sunny Days with Sunny
2015 – No post
2014Flashback Friday
2013 – No post
2012The Big Scritchy-Scratchy Who-Done-It?

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23 Responses to 10/17/2018 – What’s Up Wednesday

  1. Brian Frum says:

    Good questions, just nap on them!

  2. Rene S says:

    We think you totally should have your own headphones. . just sayin’.

  3. What a philosophical feline you are! Some great questions there. I’m going go and ponder them with a piece of cake and a cup of tea!

  4. Happy Birthday, Viola…again!
    Pondering the mysteries of the world makes a kitty sleepy, so have a good nap and see what answers come up out of your dreams.

  5. You’re just full of questions, aren’t you, Viola???

  6. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    viola…theez R sum grate questshunz tho we troo lee hope ya give
    up on de egg thing…lezz itz frum a dino !! 🙂 frank lee we lovez de
    eye dea oh gie unt catz N kittenz…letz think bout thiz fora moe mint ~~~~~~
    🙂 ♥♥♥

  7. sounds and looks like Viola has some seriously deep thoughts

  8. sandra loey says:

    Viola, you have such good questions! I’m sure you keep mom on her toes : )

  9. oh my Viola! You ARE a philosophical sort aren’t you?

  10. Cecilia says:

    Inquiring minds want to know right Viola?

  11. Summer says:

    Those ARE some hard questions, Viola!

  12. That’s a lot of questions, Viola ! Purrs

  13. Ellen Pilch says:

    Viola, I have a question. Why was this adorable shot of you not made into a puzzle?

  14. What an adorable and curious Viola cat. I have no answers, but send purrs instead.

  15. Viola, it’s still hard to believe you are that old. Mom said she knew about you before you were born. We think that’s awesome and we think your questions are very deep. Why would you even want to lick your armpits???

  16. You asked some hard questions, Viola. Did you get your answers?

  17. Viola, you have some many great questions that you want to be answered. The armpit one is a really good one. Thanks for sharing the lovely photo with us. Hope you find out all the answers soon.

  18. Noodle says:

    You are one reflective kitty!
    Have a wonderful Wednesday…

    Noodle and crew

  19. Fraidy Cats! says:

    I think cobwebs are tasty too! purrs,

  20. My stars, you are a deep thinker.

  21. meowmeowmans says:

    Wow, Viola. Those are some serious questions you just asked. You’ve got us pondering for sure!

  22. I’d say yes to the last one – if ya is hungry dat are.

  23. Raven says:

    I agree. Cobwebs are tasty!

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