10/14/2020 – Wordy Wednesday

Pia's favorite spot © Colehauscats.com
Pia’s favorite spot © Colehauscats.com

Pia has lots of places to call her own here at home; a comfy chair upstairs, a pillow on the couch downstairs, next to Dad at the kitchen table, wedged between Mom and Dad in bed at night. But her most favorite spot is the perfectly Pia-sized slot between a comfy chair and an antique trunk. She can see everyone coming and going, she can hear everything going on, and yet, she’s “hidden” from prying eyes and noses and the vacuum cleaner. She’s one smart girl!

Viola's ex-favorite spot © Colehauscats.com
Viola’s ex-favorite spot © Colehauscats.com

Someone else’s favorite spot very recently had its access removed due to a rather messy poop event. Now, we all know poop happens, and we can all probably agree that when someone who shall remain anonymous accidently leaves Quint’s feeder open, containing his special poop-friendly diet, and one Viola discovers the poop-friendly food, well, poop is REALLY going to happen about 8 hours later. So, no more going up on the top of the kitchen cabinets. Someone had to put their foot down, and yeah, you can probably imagine what that foot came down in.

Disappointed Viola © Colehauscats.com
Disappointed Viola © Colehauscats.com

That just might not have been all my poop, Mom. Just saying . . .

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Dad Steve here!

Thank you all so much for your purrs, prayers, get well cards and best wishes!! They made a huge difference and are helping me heal after my injury and hospital stay. My stitches will come out next week and I’m not sure who will be happier to see them gone: me or the cats.

Thank you again for your positive thoughts. This is an amazing community and we are grateful to be a part of it.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A Colehaus Cats flashback:

2019Monday Memories
2018 – No post
2017 – No post
2016Five Word Friday
2015Wordless Wednesday
2014 – No post
2013ManCats, ShmanCats!
2012 – No post

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12 Responses to 10/14/2020 – Wordy Wednesday

  1. Rene S says:

    We continue to send purrs your way.

  2. Poop happens! Yep….we know all about that!!

    Purrs and prayers continue for Dad Steve.

    The Florida Furkids

  3. guyz….CRANBEREEZ….. we iz sorree yur dad had ta bee sewed bak two gether; we due knot get
    round much; in fact in we iz knot a loud past de garge; N we iz sorree yur dad had ta go two de
    eeeeevil place; but we iz buzzed glad himz doin aye oh kay N hope him stayz that way for manee moonz ~~~ ♥♥

  4. Brian says:

    Good hidey spots and thanks for the poop scoop! We’re glad Dad Steve is healing up nicely, hooray!

  5. anniek263 says:

    My lovely ginger princess, I wish we had a hidey spot to steal away to together, but we know that our Dads would probably not approve. My current favorite spots remain in between mom and dad during part of the night, on the ledge in front of the gas stove in the living room, or taking up 2 of the 3 cushions on the couch when I sit (sprawl) next to mom. Stay cozy my special girl! Love, Your D.

  6. The Swiss Cats says:

    Well, poop happens, we all know that (especially Zorro…). Yay for those good news, Dad Steve, we keep purring for you ! Purrs

  7. Memories of Eric and Flynn says:

    Pia looks so sweet hidden in her favourite spot. I am glad Dad Steve is healing well and send continued good wishes for him.

  8. manxmnews2014 says:

    Viola you are still as sweet as ever and big big purrs to your Daddy!

  9. We’re glad to hear you’re healing well, Dad Steve. Purrs continue…

  10. Summer says:

    I’m still purring for the male human!

  11. 15andmeowing says:

    Jinx dispenses poop all over so I usually step in some at least once a week. I am glad Cat Daddy is feeling better.

  12. meowmeowmans says:

    Pia, that’s a purrfect hidey spot, indeed! And Viola, we guess poop happens … er, um, we mean happened. Yay for Dad Steve doing better! We will keep on purring and praying for healing! XO

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