We had a little bathroom work slowdown last week when some ordered parts took a grand tour of the northeastern part of the U.S. before heading over here to the west coast. Just a little tip: If a major big box home improvement store claims they have an item ” In Stock,” this does not mean they have it there, at that particular store, in stock. It could be “In Stock” in Antarctica for all you know. And very likely is!
Anyway, we hope work gets back on track sometime this week and really hope our bathroom restoration/rebuild will be wrapped up by the end of the month. Or by the end of the year. Who really knows?
Then, it’ll be time to try out the shower and make sure it doesn’t leak through the floor and through the living room ceiling directly below, followed by the whole process of getting a another bid for having that living room ceiling repaired with more cost, should all stay dry.

Even though it seems as though this entire year has been centered around this stressful bathroom shower fiasco, there’s been good things happening. First off, the long delay in finding a contractor (#19 finally came through) allowed us to keep adding to our small savings account toward paying for this whole thing. Time has allowed us to think through what we dreamed of versus how to restore the bathroom as cheaply as possible versus how to shop around, spend more wisely, and still up the value of our home a bit.
Secondly, Mom was in the middle of repainting the entire house when this damage happened (not to mention being laid off and finding a new, albeit lower paying job). And after months of self doubt, wondering if any of that was even worth the effort, she got back into it and is happy to report just two and a quarter rooms remain to be painted. You can do it, Mom!

Lastly, this was the perfect opportunity to go through closets and cabinets to sort through what would be better suited for donation and trash. We always keep a clean house, but boy, oh boy, were our closets stuffed! It’s high time other households enjoy stuff we pointlessly held onto for far too long. The nineties called. They want their purple and hunter green décor back!

Someday, when all is fixed and furniture is moved back and flip top boxes are emptied of stuff to donate and closets have an ounce of breathing room in them, we might feel like we live in a new house! Wouldn’t that be awesome!
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A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2021 – No post
2020 – No post
2019 – No post
2018 – No post
2017 – No post
2016 – Two-Word Wednesday
2015 – MultiCat Monday
2014 – No post
2013 – Dear Niblets – Week One
2012 – Daydreaming of Warm Days
Cleaning out the closets is always a tough job.
Would love to repaint the interior rooms here at Eastside Cats; on the to-do list.
We love how you found the silver lining in this year’s travails. Big hugs and purrs to you all, sweet pals.
I hope the bathroom gets back on track. We recently built a walk in wardrobe and got rid of our old ones. That was also a good time for a clear out which we donated to Cats Protection charity shop.