10/09/2020 – Finally Friday

Olivia, October 2020 © Colehauscats.com
Olivia, October 2020 © Colehauscats.com

Olivia, do you want to give a blog update today?

Shhh, I’m sleeping.

But, it’s your blog post day. It was scheduled. Remember?

Shhh, I’m sleeping. As in I have my eyes closed, I’m lying down, in sunshine no less, and you should shhh yourself.

We should what??

Olivia napping © Colehauscats.com
Olivia napping © Colehauscats.com

Okay, well, Olivia is sleeping (or so she says). It’s Friday, at last. We’re enjoying a bit of October sunshine as demonstrated by Olivia, and some of us are really looking forward to cooler weather (Mom works in a 90-degree assembly warehouse 6 days a week so it’s sweat city for her). We’re sure Olivia will . . .

Olivia trying to nap © Colehauscats.com
Olivia trying to nap © Colehauscats.com

Are you going to be quiet any time soon? I’m trying to sleep here!

“whispers” . . . let us know when she’s up to getting that blog post together. We guess creative minds need nap time first.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Dad is out of the hospital and Mom’s really been through the wringer over the past two weeks, both at work and at home, so we’re going to give her a day or two off from blogging. We promise she’ll be back next Wednesday!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A Colehaus Cats flashback:

2019Wordless Wednesday
2018 – No post
2017 – No post
2016 – No post
2015Zuzu’s Snuggle Bunny
2014 – No post
2013Pia Counters and Niblet Names
2012 – No post

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15 Responses to 10/09/2020 – Finally Friday

  1. Olivia, no chance of unbending there, hmm?
    Enjoy a break.

  2. Rene S says:

    Why do people expect us cats to have schedules?

  3. Enjoy your time off. We’re hoping for cooler weather too.

    The Florida Furkids

  4. guyz….we had knot hurd bout yur dad….we send best fishez hiz way N sorreez him had ta
    go ther in de furst place ~~~~ ♥♥♥

  5. Brian says:

    Happy snoozy sweet Olivia, we’re glad your Daddy is home.

  6. Memories of Eric and Flynn says:

    I am glad your dad is out of hospital and hope he makes a good recovery.
    I will leave you to snooze in peace now Olivia.

  7. We don’t blame you, Olivia, for wanting to sleep in that sunpuddle.

  8. catladymac says:

    You all take care of yourselves and your Mom & Dad too. Maybe you could all nap in some sunshine !

  9. 15andmeowing says:

    Glad your Dad is out of the hospital and I agree your mom needs a rest. XO

  10. Sandy L. says:

    Sending good thoughts for Dad’s recovery – and for a little break for Mom too. Take care, Sandy

  11. Summer says:

    I hope your human is at least able to catch her breath with all that has been going on! See you Wednesday.

  12. Muriel Reilly says:

    So glad to hear that Dad is home! Heal well Dad! Enjoy your time off Mom!
    I worked in the middle of a non-air-conditioned warehouse setting for almost 4 years a couple of years ago. It was beyond draining, and I eventually left for a much better environment.
    I lost my job in July due to the pandemic and having faith that something great is just around the corner.
    Stay strong Mom, great days are ahead again.

  13. meowmeowmans says:

    Poor Mom! We are glad you are giving her a blogging break. Great news about Dad coming home from the hospital. Purring for a speedy and full recovery. XO

  14. Oh Em Gee! We had NO IDEA! until we saw your Facebook post tonight! Poor Steve! Poor you! Poor kitties! What a terrible fright you all had. Spitty is sending The Cat Dad his very bestest purrs and so am I (even though I am not very good at it). We hope he recovers completely and suffers no lasting harm from this awful accident–SUCH a lot of blood to lose! We hope you are all having some peaceful days now. XOXO

  15. Mark's Mews says:

    It is hard to beat being curled up in a Hammock!

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