We’ve been visited by lots of neighborhood kitties lately. We think they’re fattening up on kibble we leave out during the day for wandering wanderers like one of the Berry cats here. He and his sibling BlueBerry 1 actually allowed Mom to pet him the other day probably because she had dried chicken catnip treat smells on her fingers. After that, he was gone like a shot. So typical.

Or maybe BlueBerry took off because KeeKee then popped through the opening in the fence and saw someone was snorting up his favorite catnip treat in all the world. KeeKee is definitely not one who shares and doesn’t like other cats, apparently, if we’re to believe his airplane ears of contempt.

Not too much later, Lloyd stopped by, took one look at BlueBerry and KeeKee giving each other the glare and said, “No problem. I’ll come back another time.”

The white and tan dove is still visiting our garden every day. Sometime he brings dove friends. Sometimes he enjoys his alone time. We try not to bother him too much and he seems to like it here. Someone who works with Mom said that a visiting white dove absolutely means hope and good fortune are on the horizon.
Okay. See you again tomorrow, pretty bird.
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A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2023 – No post
2022 – Tessa Talk
2021 – No post
2020 – Few Words Wednesday
2019 – MultiCat Monday
2018 – No post
2017 – No post
2016 – Finally Friday
2015 – Wordless Wednesday
2014 – No post
2013 – Just a Wee Bit of News
2012 – No post
Cats have their own societal rules.
Pretty bird, and a nice fortune.
Beautiful visitors including the dove. XO
Dearest Carole and Steve,
You seem to attract lots of furry and feathered friends around your home!
But it certainly is rewarding.
Mariette + Kitties
That dove is very pretty. We have lots of birds coming to the garden and we have 2 very tame ones that eat from the hand and come when you call them. We have Jo-Jo the crow she will come inside your house if you let her. she gets chased by the local crows as she is a rescue and we have Baby a Jackdaw who turned up in our garden in the summer with an injured foot as a fledgling so mummy started to feed him as he was struggling, now he likes to be hand fed like a baby by mummy…he still feeds himself when shes not home but as soon as she’s home he reverts to baby behaviour. mummy lets him as he is small and gets bullied by the bigger ones so it makes sure he gets plenty of food. We also have Hedgehogs that visit in the night and mummy feedys them too xoxo Little Miss Titch and Angel Speedy
Pretty dove, I hope he brings good luck. You have a lot of cat visitors.
Your garden is a busy place.