Linty Squinty Olivia here . . . hey! Mom! I said type what I say, not what you think!
Roving reporter Olivia here, who indeed is a bit linty today because Mom was cleaning yesterday and the dust kittens are as big as bunnies!

And how’s a House Panther supposed to stay black with all that other cat fur floating around??
Olivia, no fibs now. Be truthful. Tell them where you really got that white fur.

Okay, fine. I may have been caught tussling with my brother. But I’m sure he was asking for it. Mom, you’re killing my blog post today.
So, where was I? Oh, yeah . . .

After helping Mom clean . . .
Mom: *clears throat* A-hem!
. . . there I was, exhausted, napping along, surely minding my own business . . .
Mom: For once . . .

. . . when I heard something, something odd, something not right. It woke me up, right out of a perfectly good nap.

And I looked over and there it was. It was the sound . . .

. . . of my floofy sister Pia thinking rascally thoughts!
Mom: Good grief! Olivia, you couldn’t hear Pia thinking anything. Are you reporting anything today, or are you dipping your whiskers into the pool of fictional tall tales?

I’m not sure, Mom. Maybe this lint has gone to my head making the line between fact and fiction all fuzzy. You may be on to something, though. I couldn’t hear Pia thinking because she never has a thought in her floofy head.

Mom: Hey, now!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2018 – No post
2017 – No post
2016 – Finally Friday
2015 – Wordless Wednesday
2014 – No post
2013 – Just a Wee Bit of News
2012 – No post
That must have been scary to wake up and see Pia staring at you like that!
whoa….we bee thinkin no one better mess with ya pia !! 😉
olivia, we N joyed yur ree port…sum times nooze thatz knot nooze itz better than de nooze that iz de nooze coz de nooze iz all over de place any mor 🙂
Nice to see you all. I am sure Quint started it 🙂
MOL! It looks to me like your post (or what you thought was going to be your post) got totally ruined, Olivia!
Olivia! You are stirring the whole household up!
If you were cleaning, Olivia, we sure hope you got paid well for your services.
I think that story was purrfect, all versions!
Oops ! Better not mess with Pia ! Purrs
Yikes, it looks like you’re really stirring stuff up with your tales today, Olivia! 🙂