Tessa, newly minted Guarder of All Toys, glares at someone. But who? Some sneaky cat coming to get a whiff of a stripy ball or plastic ring? How dare they! Nothing like a good old Tessa glare to change that plan. But who gets the glare today?
Was it Pia?

Was it Pia coming to take a purple catnip pillow or feather ball? Pia can be awfully stealthy, especially with her thick underpaw fur. She’s a quiet as an ant.

Was it Quint and his quiet ways? He could sneak a toy out of the toy boxes under watchful eyes at exactly the right moment and you’d never see it happen. Quint has great timing that way.

Was it Viola who was hard at work all summer long learning the ways of The Tessa Glare, and coming along nicely, if we do say so ourselves.
Yes, it was I, but not to nab a toy. I wanted to give my big sister a taste of her own glare. Dad says I don’t quite have The Look yet because of my age but I’m getting there!
Wishing Viola and all Niblets near and far a very Happy 11th Birthday today. Sending kisses on the winds to find you all. And another million kisses to you, sweet Viola. Happy Birthday!

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A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2023 – Dear Niblets – You are 10!
2022 – A Day with Viola
2021 – No post
2020 – MultiCat Monday
2019 – Someone’s Birthday
2018 – Dear Niblets – Five Years Old!
2017 – Thank You
2016 – Dear Niblets – Three Years Old!
2015 – Dear Niblets, Two Years Old
2014 – From October 3rd – Dear Niblets – One Year Old!
2013 – From earlier in the day on October 4th – Private Discussions
Later in the day our October 4th post – BREAKING NEWS! It’s Baby Niblet Time!
The following day October 5th post – Ruby Spreads the News! Babies!
2012 – A Thumb-Sucking Deep Sleep
Tessa, at least you don’t pull toys out and drag them to lay at the human’s feet!
Our Manny does that, then sits there for so long that someone will pick it up so he can play.
Dearest Carole and Steve,
Lovely photos and wishing your sweet Viola and her siblings a happy 11th Birthday!
Mariette + Kitties
viola…a most happee birth day two ewe two day…and heerz two de next 11…whoa…da tabbies rememburr when ewe N yur crew waz born…hope two day ewe get sum cod cake, perch pizza piez, and heerz two a yeer a head filled with happeez and healtheez 💙😺🌸🌸💚‼️
Happy birthday Viola and all the Niblets. I also remember when you were born and waiting, waiting, waiting!
Happy Purrthday to all the Niblets !
Nice glare. Happy Birthday Viola and niblets. XO
Wishing you a purrfect day!!!
We think Tessa’s an equal opportunity glarer. 🙂
Happy birthday, Viola and Niblets! XO
Happy Birthday Felicitations Niblets.
Just so you know I still have my Quint art work on display!
I wish Viola a belated many happy returns of the day.