09/14/2022 – One Word Wednesday

Relaxed Viola © Colehauscats.com
Relaxed Viola © Colehauscats.com


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A Colehaus Cats flashback:

2021 – No post
2019 – No post
2018Friday’s Facts or Fibs
2017 – No post
2016Many Thank Yous
2015ManCat Monday
2014 – No post
2013 – No post
2012Peacemaker Newton

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3 Responses to 09/14/2022 – One Word Wednesday

  1. Nice job of chillaxin’, Viola!

  2. Memories of Eric and Flynn says:

    A box is always good for helping relaxation.

  3. meowmeowmans says:

    You do look relaxed, Viola!

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