09/04/2019 – Not a Wordless Wednesday

Toys for Quint © Colehauscats.com
Toys for Quint © Colehauscats.com

The Colehaus Cats have a LOT of toys; and here’s just a few that Mom was considering balancing on Quint’s head until he decided he’d rather snuggle with them. Sometimes, you gotta go with what your cat prefers.

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Thank you for your huge interest in Quint’s paintings! So much art was shipped last month to almost all points around the U.S. country. (Maine, we know you’ll discover Quint one of these days.) Thank you!

Quint hasn’t been in the mood to paint much over the past few weeks. He created a lot of summer art and deserves as long of a rest as he wants. Fall is coming and once the temperatures drop around here, he’ll probably be back at pawing the bathroom mirror, signalling it’s time to set up his studio once again.

We invite you to read Quint’s artist story to learn and understand his process. He’d like that.

Relaxed and happy Quint © Colehauscats.com
Relaxed and happy Quint © Colehauscats.com

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A Colehaus Cats flashback:

2018 – No post
2017Will Labor for Fruit
2016 – No post
2015Miss Newton, Bugcatcher
2014 – No post
2013Wednesday Words
2012 – No post

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18 Responses to 09/04/2019 – Not a Wordless Wednesday

  1. Rene S says:

    After all that work, Quint, you sure deserve a break.

  2. Brian Frum says:

    You are quite the wonderful artist Quint!

  3. Quint, I’m staring at Spring Blue 2015 right now; it hangs on the wall of my office, straight across from my desk so I gaze at it all of the time! And, I tell EVERYONE that I know about you too!

  4. Quint, we don’t blame you for wanting to snuggle those toys instead of wearing them. 😉

  5. Summer says:

    Quint, you deserve some time off!

  6. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    dood….all de gratez take a brake….N if fallz knot in yur schedulez thiz yeer, may bee winter will be….ya gotta paint when ewe want….heerz hopin de toyz stay off yur head… and under it….. aza pillow !! 🙂 ♥♥

  7. Well done Quint. Now you need to have that much needed rest.

  8. You deserve some rest, Quint ! Purrs

  9. You have earned your rest after all your hard work, Quint.

  10. Ellen Pilch says:

    I loved the article on Quint. He is a true celebrity. XO

  11. Ellen Pilch says:

    I loved Quint’s article. And I love his art. XO

  12. Cathy Keisha says:

    I just shared Quint’s art with the woman who teaches arts and crafts to our seniors. I saw some amazing new works on his page.

  13. meowmeowmans says:

    That wonderful painting is hard work, Quint. You deserve a break! XO

  14. “Sometimes, you gotta go with what your cat prefers.” SOMETIMES?!?! Hahahahahaha 🙂

  15. Terri says:

    We’re happy to hear Quint’s art sale was a big success! We hope he enjoys his well-earned vacation, too.

  16. You’re such a cutie, Quint, and probably not nipped😺Pawkisses for a wonderful day🐾😽💞

  17. So glad to hear the selling is good. I treasure the three I have, plus the tiny easel one.

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