09/02/2019 – Labor Day

Viola Big Eyes © Colehauscats.com
Viola Big Eyes © Colehauscats.com

Goodness, little girl! What big eyes you have!

It’s the crinkle paper, Mom. It’s . . . making crinkly sounds!

Well, you are laying on it. Or maybe something else is making it crinkle. Maybe it’s alive. Maybe it’s crinkling because it knows you like that. It’s taunting you, teasing you, making you want to pounce on all its crinkly goodness.

Or, just maybe, I’m wiggling my finger under it.

Those big eyes on you © Colehauscats.com
Those big eyes on you © Colehauscats.com


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A Colehaus Cats flashback:

2018 – No post
2017 – No post
2016Foster Friday with Miss Itty
2015Wordless Wednesday
2014 – No post
2013Foster News and ManCat Monday Antics
2012 – No post

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15 Responses to 09/02/2019 – Labor Day

  1. Look at those eyes! Get the crinkly paper. Bite!!!

  2. Viola, I just gave Angel a couple of pieces of wrapping tissue paper; she likes to chew the edges. I would think twice about wiggling my finger underneath, if I know I was going to get attacted!

  3. Katie Isabella says:

    Viola, I have some here that I SPURNED!! Can you believe it?

  4. Timmy Tomcat says:

    We love the Crinkly paper too. It is in bits in no time MOL.
    Love those eyes Viola

  5. Ellen Pilch says:

    You have such pretty eyes. XO

  6. Summer says:

    Oh! This sounds like a really fun game!

  7. Brian Frum says:

    That’s very cute sweet Viola. Happy Labor Day!

  8. Crinkly paper is so much fun…with or without wiggly fingers.

  9. Oh Viola what a beautiful face you have.

  10. Bite that crinkly paper, Viola! Happy Labor Day to all of you!

  11. Mudpie agrees there’s nothing better than crinkle paper!

  12. Cathy Keisha says:

    Get it Viola! It’s mocking you! Happy No Labor Day! Take it easy (but take it)!

  13. Just Ducky says:

    What big eyes you have my dear.

  14. Mark's Mews says:

    Those are big eyes for ANNY reason.

  15. meowmeowmans says:

    We love crinkly paper, too, Viola, no matter what’s making it crinkle! 🙂

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