08/23/2021 – MultiCat Monday

Quint and Tessa with Yeowww toy © Colehauscats.com
Quint and Tessa with Yeowww toy © Colehauscats.com

Monday already? Good thing we’re a multi-cat household to help out with that!

Olivia and the Yeowww toy © Colehauscats.com
Olivia and the Yeowww toy © Colehauscats.com

That Yeowww candy cane from a Secret Santa package received years ago is getting quite the workout this summer, for some reason. Maybe the extra good nip inside simply needed our hot weather to activate all it’s Yeowww-y goodness!

Quint with IKEA ratty © Colehauscats.com
Quint with IKEA ratty © Colehauscats.com

Another toy that gets on and off workouts is our IKEA ratties. Quint will drag this one out for a few weeks, then it gets ignored for months and months. Back into the toy basket it goes! He doesn’t carry it around like angels Miss Newton and Maxx used to, meowing with it stuffed in their mouths up and down the stairs at all hours of the day and night, and we’d be lying if we said we don’t miss that.

Viola and her snagged drapes © Colehauscats.com
Viola and her snagged drapes © Colehauscats.com

Instead of batting some ratty around or chewing the nip out of another toy, Viola rather enjoys her Mondays catching some morning sunshine. We’ll add that this is Tessa’s usual morning spot, but she’s got that nippy Yeowww toy elsewhere to contend with.

Is someone playing up there? © Colehauscats.com
Is someone playing up there? © Colehauscats.com

Do I hear someone playing up there?

Yes, you do, Pia. We wouldn’t expect you to help chew on that Yeowww toy. Not at this exact moment anyway.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Pia says No © Colehauscats.com
Pia says No © Colehauscats.com

So, Dad spent his vacation week trying to get Pia interested in canned wet food. She’s the last holdout. She will lick the wet food gravy, but she absolutely will not eat the food. He thought he had her after she went all day without her Iams kibble, but in the end, she licked all the gravy and moisture off the food, and nibbled/gummed a mere quarter of the quarter can he offered her. The next morning and throughout the day, she refused any and all fresh wet food and by evening’s end, she got her kibble back.

Even as a kitten, she preferred kibble over canned wet food. Of all the Colehaus Cats, she’s the one we’d really, REALLY like to get switched over to wet food. She’s proving she’ll be one tough nut to crack!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A Colehaus Cats flashback:

2020 – No post
2019 – No post
2018 – No post
2017Three Word Wednesday
2016A Random Post from August 2016
2015 – No post
2014 – No post
2013 – No post
2012A Random Post from August 2012

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12 Responses to 08/23/2021 – MultiCat Monday

  1. I love my Yeowww toys! ~Ernie

  2. We love Yeowww toys AND we love wet food!!!

  3. Rene says:

    Come on, Pia, give it a try!

  4. catscue says:

    I loved seeing you all doing your daily cutenesses! Pia, we’re really hoping you’ll give that wet food a try sweeite.

  5. Memories of Eric and Flynn says:

    Flynn loved Yeowww toys too. He also loved wet food so give it a proper try, Pia.

  6. Summer says:

    I’m glad everyone looks happy and playful. Well, except maybe Pia.

  7. 15andmeowing says:

    My cats love the IKEA mice and rats too. I can’t believe those are sold as kid’s toys and not cat ones.

  8. Brian says:

    I’m glad y’all are having fun. Simon is our hold out on wet food but he is getting there on his own terms, he finally asked for some.

  9. Terri L says:

    Have you tried mixing dry and wet food for Pia?

  10. Such individuals! Cats really are amazing.

  11. meowmeowmans says:

    Aww, it’s good to see you all, sweet Colehaus Cats. We hope Pia will come over to the wet side soon.

  12. Timmy Tomcat says:

    We like our old toys sometimes too. If they are not beat up or crusty with barf or something Dad will save toys after we lose interest (like a few days)
    When we changed to wet food it was because we adopted Buddy Budd who was a 22+ pound kibble addict. He came from a bad home where he was ignored and just had a bowl of food for a friend (We think. He was 8 when we got him) We all switched in a week or two by just mixing some kibble into the wet. Buddy no way. He would not even eat the “contaminated kibble.” It took almost 2 months for him to switch. Remember a cat can go for 48 hours without a meal. Longer is dangerous but in the wild they go many days without a catch. A part of getting him to eat wet was putting his treats on some wet. He would GOBBLE so would get some wet food in him. He got used to it and slowly made the change. When he was 18 and stopped eating we switched him back to kibble and it worked for 2 years. He lived to the ripe age of 20 and was only 13 pounds the last few years we enjoyed his loving company
    Good luck!
    Angel Timmy Tomcat, Dad and Family

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