These girls couldn’t possibly be any more different from one another. Other than the obvious color difference, each communicate differently, react differently to each of us, eat different, sleep different, patrol different, play different. And oddly enough, there has never been a tussle or disagreement between Pia and Viola. Not one.

It’s as if they mapped out their areas and boundaries from the start and have yet to ever cross paths. This is about as close to each other as they have ever been. We think they’re okay with this. It’s a secret agreement their cat lawyers scratched out.
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A cause for celebration here at Colehaus: Our replacement refrigerator finally arrived! We’re still getting used to the sounds it makes – Mom says it sounds like a muted cell phone call and Dad agrees. It’s not one of those kinds of appliances that’s connected every which way to the Internet. The sound is just the compressor spinning up and not a case of our refrigerator calling someone (maybe secretly to a friend made at the factory?).
As for the return to refrigerated anything, Mom shrugs and says, “Meh,” while Dad says ThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYouThankYou
And that’s all fine and good because three days later, our washer washed up. But we were expecting that and have been saving for a new one since April. And carefully timing our laundry schedule so no one has to wash clothes in the tub with soap and a stick (Dad’s bachelor days). If all goes well, a new washer will be delivered and hooked up later today, just in time for Dad to wrap up his weekend laundry chore. Mom bets he’ll still be whispering, “ThankYouThankYouThankYou,” under his breath long after Mom gets home from work.
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A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2023 – No post
2022 – No post
2021 – No post
2020 – No post
2019 – No post
2018 – No post
2017 – No post
2016 – Love on a Special Day
2015 – With Love
2014 – To Dexter with Love
2013 – ManCat Monday – Summer Love
2012 – No post
Dearest Carole and Steve,
Pia and Viola behave very well, living in the same household!
Happy you got the new refrigerator and soon the new washer.
Well, our first 8 weeks in Italy, I had to do all the laundry in the bathtub, aside from working 6 days a week + studying Italian!
Enjoy the new conveniences.
Mariette + Kitties
You are such sweeties. My cats could use the name of that attorney, we have some turf that needs dividing. Very wise to save up for the washer. I thought we were going to need a new fridge last week when our 21 yr old one was leaking, but my hubby managed to figure out the problem and fix it.
Congrats on the new fridge, and the new washer.
A sort of détente between Pia and Viola.
Yay for the new fridge. We had to do that two years ago.
The girlz here are like that too.
Glad to hear the new fridge has arrived and the new washer is on it’s way to you. Pia and Viola are good to not argue.
Dearest Carole and Steve,
Pia and Viola behave very well, living in the same household!
Happy you got the new refrigerator and soon the new washer.
Well, our first 8 weeks in Italy, I had to do all the laundry in the bathtub, aside from working 6 days a week + studying Italian!
Enjoy the new conveniences.
Mariette + Kitties
They’re very civil lady cats!
What is it with major appliances? I used to say my kids come from a broken home, mom and dad are still together, but everything else is broken, the dishwasher, the dryer, the car…
Pia and Viola, you are both such good sisters. And hooray for the new fridge!
We hope all went well with the washer install. We would definitely be like Dad Cole (THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU)