It’s been a long, long while since we played Facts or Fibs, and because someone asked about that, here we are! Below, we’re listing four statements about the Colehaus Cats that may or may not be true. Two are absolute truths and two are wild statements without a shred of honesty whatsoever. Think you know these Colehaus Cats? Let’s see.

1. Mom’s Ginger Princess Pia has become a Daddy’s girl. Sure, Mom is Mom but Dad is sweet honey-ed bits of kibble with tuna juice sauce on the side. She meows at him, she sits with him, she insists he constantly acknowledge her and run his fingers through her gingery orange fur. Just about the only thing Pia recognizes Mom for is the small daily morning bowl of kibble. After that, Mom’s ignored.

2. Ever since that near accident of Viola darting outside, she sits at the kitchen window each day longing for the time she’ll make it all the way into the backyard.

3. Whenever Quint yawns, he growls during the yawn. It’s something that started as a kitten and we thought it was charming at the time. We’ve been known to yell at the cats to knock it off whenever we hear growling, thinking a tussle is on the horizon. No one knows how many times we’ve hollered at Quint for yawning instead.

4. After discovering she’d have to fight Viola to keep possession of the box on the kitchen island, Tessa has decided Viola’s old preferred spot on a kitchen chair is almost as good.
So, how do you think you did?
Answers: Numbers 1 and 4 are facts. 1. Pia has fallen deeply in love with Dad. Mom is just someone who lives in the same house and isn’t Dad. Pia pesters Dad at every meal and whenever he might sit on the couch to watch TV. As we all know, TV watching just isn’t fun unless a cat is pawing at your leg demanding a petting, right?
4. Maybe it’s age, maybe it’s a passing of the torch, so to speak. But Tessa “may” be growing more tolerant of Viola, or maybe the smell of Viola. Viola is very possessive of her kitchen island box. Before the box, Viola was very possessive of a particular spot on one of the kitchen chairs, so possessive, she clawed and snagged the cheap chair cover to just her liking. Now it’s Tessa making the chair her own and can be found there each day from morning to early afternoon.
Numbers 2 and 3 are complete and utter fibs. 2. If Viola actually tried to get outside, you’d be the first to hear about it. And while Viola is considered nimble, her “dart-iness” is fairly low on the official dart measurement scale.
3. Growling while one yawns might be deemed cute, especially when a kitten is involved, but sadly, Quint is as silent as wall paint when it comes to yawning. Big yawn, small yawn, not so much as a peep. As a small side note, and just between us, he does emit small mews whenever he gets gassy which can be viewed as both concerning and in need of comfort, and as a warning because well, canned food gassy smells.
How’d you do? Thanks for playing!
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A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2023 – One Word Wednesday
2022 – No post
2021 – Way to Go, Mom
2020 – No post
2019 – No post
2018 – No post
2017 – Three Word Wednesday
2016 – No post
2015 – No post
2014 – A Random August Post!
2013 – Secret Stripes
2012 – No post
That was fun and I was wrong!
Dearest Carole and Steve,
The 1st one is a sweet story and the good thing is that Pia lets her Mom still live with her in the same house.
Two was a bit short and adventurous so I had my doubts right away…
Three is also something that we’ve never ever heard or noticed so that was a big questionmark.
Let’s hope that Tessa and Viola will become more close, at least this chair sharing is a good sign and she must love her scent!
Mariette + Kitties
#1 I guessed correctly, but didn’t get #4.
It’s funny that Quint gives warning before he toots!
eye thinked one and three…were troo….quint ewe could bee like a lion
and tryin ta roar…but guezz knot huh buddy…well knot all lionz…can paint
either 🐈‼️😺💙🐟 heerz two a grate week end for all 💙🐟
Yayy! I guessed 1 and 4.
I got them all correct. 🙂 Have a nice weekend. XO
Actually I nailed it. But I was just guessing.
Oh WOW, we got them all right! Woohoo!
Although I know very little about your cats, I was able to guess at least the first was true. Something about pushover dads wins those girls affection every time.