08/01/2022 – Hellooo August!

Pia, August 2022 © Colehauscats.com
Pia, August 2022 © Colehauscats.com

Hello, August! The month of hots, of sweaty, sleepless nights, and of thoughts turned to clipping long-haired cats. Bet you can tell who’s a “fan” of those!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A Colehaus Cats flashback:

2021 – No post
2020 – No post
2019 – No post
2018Wordless Wednesday
2017 – No post
2016The ManCat’s Summer Art
2015 – No post
2014Shine On
2013 – No post
2012Looking for a Fast Escape (key)

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8 Responses to 08/01/2022 – Hellooo August!

  1. Pia, we have August, so we can live on the fond memories when it’s cold, dreary Winter.

  2. Rene S says:

    Nooo, not the clipping!

  3. Memories of Eric and Flynn says:

    You are looking slightly shocked, Pia!

  4. 15andmeowing says:

    I can’t wait to say goodbye August and hello to fall. 🙂

  5. Bring on September here too!

  6. Summer says:

    That look on your face, Pia…!!! MOL

  7. meowmeowmans says:

    Uh oh. Summer cut time, Pia?

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