Good-bye July. It’s good to see you go. And Olivia says you can take all the vet visits in the world with you.
Olivia’s vet appointment for X-rays went good and fast but we haven’t heard back from our vet yet. It might be an X-ray people don’t work weekends thing in which case, we’ll hear something today or tomorrow. Olivia gained a few ounces and is no longer taking her appetite stimulator ear gel (it had a 30 day limitation). So, we’re going on a week-by-week basis and will just have to see what happens.

In other news, Tessa’s personal feeder (SureFlap bowl) stopped opening sometime on Saturday and we didn’t pick up why she was being so annoying in getting into EVERYTHING and in our faces constantly. For hours. Later in the day, just about kibble snack time, did Mom discover the problem and Dad worked on trying to get it to work correctly, with mixed results. Clearly, something else to keep an eye on. Really, SureFlap. You couldn’t have lowered your price on these by now?
Additionally, we just discovered we are unable to send out email. All along for oh, the last three months, we thought our email returns were a problem on the other end because, surely, it couldn’t be us, right?
How embarrassing. Why, oh why, do we have computer problems every single summer? Dad will need to hunt down this problem on top of the other problems and yearly failures we seem to go through. Please bear with us, and we apologize profusely if you were expecting a reply from us, any reply, an acknowledgement, a peep, anything, over the past few months. Truly, we had no idea it was us.
Okay July, good-bye to you and this month’s expenses. Bring on August!
A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2022 – No post
2021 – No post
2020 – Good-bye July
2019 – Good-bye July
2018 – No post
2017 – Good-bye July
2016 – No post
2015 – Good-bye July
2014 – No post
2013 – Young ‘Uns
2012 – No post
Oh dear!
We hope Olivia’s x-ray results give y’all something to work with.
Tessa, maybe your feeder thinks you should be on a diet?
Hahaha, just kidding, Tessa…don’t come over here to kill me, okay?
Poor Tessa, no wonder she was unhappy! I hope Olivia’s X rays bring good results. I had my 3 monthly CT scan today but probably won’t get my phone consultation for 2 or 3 weeks. If it comes earlier it is not usually good news.
I am praying for Olivia. XO
We send Olivia – and Tessa – purrayers and POTP. And your email program too.
Oh, we don’t blame Tessa for being unhappy. Hangry, probably!
We’re purring for Olivia. And for your email, too. XO