07/25/2022 – ManCat Monday

Quint and the scratcher © Colehauscats.com
Quint and the scratcher © Colehauscats.com

On sheet changing day, I don’t race around on the fresh sheets like some cats do. I’m not into that whole sheet game thing. Some of my sisters do that. Not this ManCat.

Quint checks out the scratcher © Colehauscats.com
Quint checks out the scratcher © Colehauscats.com

That’s not to say I don’t do anything during sheet changing day. My priority that day is to become reacquainted with the best scratcher in the world. I can’t call it My scratcher because I believe in sharing. Here, sniff here. Do you smell other cat smells on this? I do. Particularly my sister Olivia who sometimes sleeps close to this edge. Those furs in the picture are probably hers.

Quint taking the scratcher seriously © Colehauscats.com
Quint taking the scratcher seriously © Colehauscats.com

I take my scratching very seriously. I have big claws, and yes, I have been known to scratch the comfortable pleather couch downstairs a few times. I don’t get yelled at when I scratch this scratcher. In fact, I get good attention and praise, sometimes even a brushie and a treat. The problem is, there isn’t always someone here in this room to notice what a good boy I am to scratch this and not the couch, and there’s almost always someone in the room with the comfortable couch. So when I scratch that, apparently, I’m not the best boy in the world.

Quint takes scratching very seriously © Colehauscats.com
Quint takes scratching very seriously © Colehauscats.com

So, wouldn’t it make sense for my Mom and Dad to buy a new comfortable couch made entirely of scratchy material and we could have the best of both worlds and I could keep being the best boy ever? See? It’s things like this that I choose to spend my time doing other than to play that silly sheet changing game. I bet my sisters never think of anything this important!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Over the weekend, one of Mom’s original projects came closer to completion. Before the main shower blew a valve and leaked through the ceiling back in February, and before the second bath started just leaking in general from little use over 22 years, Mom was systematically painting every room in the house, with a plan to contract out the 20-plus foot tall entryway that she couldn’t reach.

After eight contractors, half of which never showed up to give an estimate and the other three asked thousands of dollars over anything close to reasonable, that entryway is finally painted. Mom is wildly happy, but not so wild as to slack off and forego getting back to work painting a downstairs bathroom herself. Only only five more rooms to go, she reminds anyone listening. She promises photos will be coming.

As for the bathroom repair, we’re in talks with another reconstruction contractor and so far, so good. Things still probably won’t get rolling until late September or October, but we’ve waited this long. We can wait a bit longer.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A Colehaus Cats flashback:

2021 – No post
2020 – No post
2019 – No post
2018W is for Wednesday
2017 – No post
2016ManCat Monday: Quint’s Summer Flowers
2015 – No post
2013 – No post
2012Comfortable, yes. Thanks for asking!

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9 Responses to 07/25/2022 – ManCat Monday

  1. Yes, sofa scratchers would be a real moneyspinner! Maybe get another of those scratchers and stick it beside the nice sofa? That way you’ll always be in line for treats and get to waatch the television whilst lounging on leather.

  2. Deep thoughts, Guru Quint!

  3. Rene S says:

    Do you like cardboard scratchers, Quint? Maybe your mom can get you one of those near the couch. I love cardboard. Love, Ringo

  4. 15andmeowing says:

    Nice to see you Quint. And you are the best boy no matter what you do. I admire your mom for doing all that painting.

  5. Roger B. says:

    We pin sisal scratcher pads onto the front of the arms of our sofa. We use real long safety pins both top and bottom. And make sure to change out the pads when they start to get worn. Max the BOY (Boss Of You) cat fully approves and never scratches anywhere else (well, hardly anywhere else except maybe the underside of the sofa, when he lies on his back and “swims” underneath).

  6. Memories of Eric and Flynn says:

    You are very intent with your scratcher, Quint. Of course you are the best boy, and I love that last photo.

  7. Y’know…I like that idea of a couch being made out of scratching material! But aren’t they already? 😉 ~Ernie

  8. I would love a couch scratcher!

  9. meowmeowmans says:

    A sofa that is a scratcher sounds like a great idea, Quint! Maybe not so comfortable, though. 🙂

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