07/25/2018 – W is for Wednesday

Viola asks Mom - © Colehauscats.com

Viola asks Mom – © Colehauscats.com

Why is crinkly paper crinkly?
Why do I have to share the crinkly paper?
Why doesn’t crinkly paper stay crinkly forever?
Why isn’t my name stamped on all the crinkly paper?
Why does everyone have to play with my crinkly paper?
Why don’t we have enough crinkly paper to fill our house?
Why don’t all those other cats get their own crinkly paper?
Why doesn’t the delivery man bring us ALL the crinkly paper?

We think someone is a wee bit obsessed.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A Colehaus Cats flashback:

2017 – No post
2016ManCat Monday
2015 – No post
2013 – No post
2012Comfortable, Yes. Thanks for asking!

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20 Responses to 07/25/2018 – W is for Wednesday

  1. So many questions! Anyone would think you like crinkly paper, Viola.

  2. Madi and Mom says:

    MOLMOL Viola I might have the answer.
    Mom saw a purrsonalized license plate the other day guess what it was:
    Hugs madi your bfff

  3. Brian Frum says:

    You sure are looking mighty cute in there!

  4. Hmmm… All excellent questions, Viola. We wish we knew the answers. Keep searching!

  5. Viola…LOL! You appear to be having one grand old time with that crinkly paper!

  6. Don’t philosophize over it, just play with the crinkly paper!

  7. Bernadette says:

    WE think W is for WHY!

  8. Rene S says:

    We hope you get some answers to your questions. . . .

  9. Summer says:

    So tell us what you REALLY think about crinkly paper, Viola!

  10. Ellen Pilch says:

    Very cute, would make a great puzzle.

  11. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    viola…why doeznt yur mom go two de store N get 15,983 yardz oh crinklee paper…her can ya noe …N due knot let her say why shuld eye ~~~~~~

    🙂 ♥♥

  12. Wow, that’s a lot of questions in a short time, Viola ! Purrs

  13. Viola, why the heck are you too cute?

    Love the photo!

  14. I think because the papurr is crinkly, sweetie 🙂 Pawkisses for a crinkle free day 🙂 <3

  15. Viola, stop asking so many questions…and play!! 😉

  16. Viola, did you recently take a computer online course on asking questions? If so, you must have gotten an A++ in it! Did your human ever answer any of those questions for you? 🙂
    Summer purrs………….Hemingway and Steinbeck

  17. Crinkly paper is the best!

  18. Katie Isabella says:

    Oh me TOO Viola. Me too, love the stuff!

  19. Crinkly paper are da best!

  20. meowmeowmans says:

    Viola, those are some very good questions! Crinkly paper is pawsome!

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