07/22/2020 – Wordless Wednesday

Viola © Colehauscats.com

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A Colehaus Cats flashback:

2019All About Pia
2018 – No post
2017 – No post
2016Friday Flashback with Tessa
2015Wordless Wednesday*
2014 – No post
2013Christening Geoffrey’s House
2012 – No post

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11 Responses to 07/22/2020 – Wordless Wednesday

  1. Are you learning French, Viola?

  2. My sister played the viola when she was in school, but her music never sounded as beautiful as you look, sweet Viola!

  3. Brian Frum says:

    Very cute sweet Viola!

  4. You are a little flower, Viola.

  5. Summer says:

    Is le flour your new nickname, Viola?

  6. Cathy Keisha says:

    Viola, you grew into quite the young woman.

  7. meowmeowmans says:

    Hi there, Viola. Or should we say “Bonjour?”

  8. Viola, you are definitely pretty as a flower.

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