Tessa, why the grumpy face today? It’s Friday. We know this means very little to you but such a grumpy face. Why?

Still grumpy Tessa? It’s been a few hours. Has nothing in your world improved? You have good light, a full belly, were brushed not too long ago . . . we don’t understand. Does your mood have anything to do with a certain new box that’s currently occupied by your little sister? There’s an empty box upstairs next to your brother’s box. No one’s claimed that one yet.

Hmm, still unhappy, are you, Tessa? We know this isn’t just a resting grumpy face. We know your grumpy face and you’ve had one all day. We were sure a silvervine sprinkled toy would do the trick and you took one sniff and walked away. Surely, there’s something we can do for you but you’re going to have to provide a clue.

Go away. Not talking about it, Dad.
It’s going to be a long weekend, Tessa. If you’re not going to say anything, can we expect you’ll also stay out of trouble?
Editor’s note: We know the problem. We just wanted her to say it. Tessa wants Viola’s new box and Viola let Tessa know that wasn’t going to happen. A minor scuffle happened and Tessa’s not happy over the outcome.

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A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2023 – Wordless Wednesday
2022 – No post
2021 – Miscellaneous Monday
2020 – No post
2019 – No post
2018 – No post
2017 – Cat on the Mantle
2016 – No post
2015 – No post
2014 – No post
2013 – Reflective
2012 – No post
Dearest Steve & Carole,
Good to see a wine barrel, we used to have one back in The Netherlands.
Oh, Tessa has some reason to be grumpy as Viola claimed the new box that she’d loved to try out…
Kitties do have different characters—just like humans!
Mariette + Kitties
The lines are drawn.
tessa…yur mom N dad knead ta go find bout 174 mor
boxez N bring each one home….shir lee yur sisturr canna
claim all 174 ‼️‼️😺💙 happee week end two ewe all 🐟💚
Poor Tessa. They are just like kids. 🙂 XO
Awww, poor baby. I hope you manage to get a turn in the box.
Box-envy can be a serious thing…
Tessa, you will get your turn. Viola’s gotta get up out of that box at some point, right?
Some kitties believe the old, “What’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is mine, too.” It’s not easy to find out it doesn’t work that way.
Poor Tessa, of course no other box will do.