Everything is growing and blooming at Colehaus. Now’s a good time to make notes of what’s growing well and what was lost over the winter. Mom’s happy to report nothing was lost to our cold winter, although that includes invasive seeds from a messy neighbor’s tree. Mom’s current pulled seedling count from this tree alone just passed three hundred, with another fifty or so expected over the next few months. Really, neighbors, did you mean for that tree with all its overhanging branches to be that annoying? Well, hey, a win for you, then.

Our tomatoes are getting a late start in our lingering cooler weather (we’re NOT complaining one bit!), but our blueberries are loving it! We keep meaning to take photos of the berries but those juicy things lure us into eating them instead.
In other news, we have raccoon babies! But here’s the thing: they aren’t Peeky’s babies. We *think* they are someone else’s babies, someone we thought was long gone.

Last year, we had mamas Rose Ears (named for her unusual left ear) and her sister Peek-a-boo. Both brought their babies to visit our splashing water fountain and the occasional food bits left in the visiting outside cat bowl. Peek-a-boo and some of her babies and we think, all of Rose’s babies were captured and removed by a horrible neighbor. One of Peek-a-boo’s babies survived and Rose took over raising her, whom we named Peeky.
A month later, Rose went missing and a young Peeky was on her own. We’ve seen her on and off over the winter and spring months and figured she’d bring her babies around when the time was right. We don’t actively feed the raccoons, nor will we start. She looks healthy on her own.
The other night, we heard baby raccoon trilling out back and from the very dim light coming from the solar lanterns, we thought we saw three or four babies running through the fountain. Peeky’s babies at last?
Just last weekend, Mom walked out back and found a raccoon looking for food bits in the cat bowl, not Peeky but a raccoon with an unusual ear who just happens to look like an older version of Rose Ears. Down across the yard, up in a tree were three very quiet baby raccoons. And no Peeky in sight.
Is this Rose Ears, perhaps with her babies?

Take note of the ears in Rose’s 2019 photo and the one above now. Do you think that’s Rose Ears? We do. She seemed wary of us, as all good wild raccoons should, but she listened to Mom talk to her. Mom was wise enough to NOT go back to look at the babies. We want them to stay wild and wary.

A little later, Mom went out to throw some recycling away and found Peeky at the outdoor visiting cat bowl, and Mom noticed Peeky is rounder in the middle and has big nipples hanging low. And because Mom has read up on more raccoon behavior than any person, that isn’t a wildlife person, probably should, she surmises the current babies are indeed Rose Ears and Peeky is not yet a mama and will have a late season batch of babies. It happens. We always wish for early babies so they have enough time to learn about survival, but it doesn’t always work that way. We have little doubt that if possible, Peeky will bring her babies for a visit making her the ninth generation to do so.

Pierre still likes Mom. Amazing! Amazingly still, Mom hasn’t yet been tempted to touch, what certainly is, his luxuriously soft-looking belly. He keeps showing it, though, and she still thinks about it. Someday. No need to rush into anything.
Lastly, we’re hanging in here and hope you all are doing the same. Thank you so much for continuing to think of us! That alone absolutely astounds us. With our hearts swelling and with damp eyes, we thank you!
All Colehaus Cats are doing well. Viola gave us a scare two weeks ago when she started barfing a dozen times one day, a few times the next day (hydration was very good, though) and generally, didn’t act her usual self. Dad studied up on our vet’s appointment procedures during this Covid-19 time and was ready to call and take her in via Lyft if nothing improved (Dad no longer drives and Mom would never be allowed to take off work).

And just like that, Viola started feeling better and acting herself once again. We don’t know what all that was about, but as usual, Mom thinks Viola ate a spider or a bad ant. Mom always thinks that. Then again, she used to spend 24 hours a day here with all the cats. She might just know something after all!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A Colehaus Cats flashback:
2019 – Almost Wordless Wednesday
2018 – No post
2017 – What We Did . . .
2016 – No post
2015 – Friday Flashback
2014 – No post
2013 – A Farewell to Geoffrey
2012 – No post
Do you get to watch the raccoon babies grow up? That would be fun to see. And we’re glad Viola is better.
I am so glad Viola is feeling better.
Yes, I’d bet that it’s Rose Ears.
Poor Viola, scaring you all like that! A bug would probably do that; her system just tried everything it could to get that yuck outta her body.
Our blogging community is very tight; we feel for our fellow bloggers as if they were family member…well, dammit, we all family members, even if we’ve only communicated via the interwebs, and by images of our furry families.
That sure looks like Rose Ears to us. Wonder where she’s been? I’m sure glad the all better found Viola quickly.
guyz….what a grate post round colehouse…..de gardin total rox !!!! we hope everee one stayz chillax N viola; we iz buzzed happee yur bad dayz R bee hind ewe….. 🙁
I’m glad you guys are hanging in there!
I agree that it does look like Rose Ear. I am glad Viola is feeling better again.
Your flowers are fabulous! And homesteader raccoons? Amazing…
I also agree that looks like Rose Ears! Thank you for this beautiful post! Makes my morning! I always look forward to your posts! Your flowers are amazing! You’re my favorite blogger!
We’re so glad Viola is feeling better! 🙂
Yes, we think that is Rose Ears! How exciting that she had her babies.
Your flowers are gorgeous ! And we’re so glad Viola is feeling better ! Purrs
Such a pretty yard! Our yard is looking pretty good this year too. Glad Viola is back to normal.