07/14/2021 Denial is not a Cat word

Quint has questions © Colehauscats.com
Quint has questions © Colehauscats.com

Mom, what are you doing in there?
Why are you in there?
Why aren’t any cats in there?
What if you needed a cat in there?
Shouldn’t I be in there with you?
Aren’t my treats in there?
Wouldn’t you rather see what’s going on out here?
Isn’t keeping a cat out of there illegal?
You wouldn’t want me to scratch this wood door, would you?
You didn’t just say no, did you?

We have one bedroom in our house that has wall-to-wall carpet and it is the one room no cat has ever been in for longer than a minute or two because, well, carpet! Over the years we’ve used this room for an office (ended that because the cats wouldn’t stop scratching at the door), a workout gym (ended that for the most part because the cats wouldn’t stop scratching at the door), and a storage room because who doesn’t have unused desks and chairs and treadmills that need to be stored somewhere?

Woe to the Mom who decides to go into that room to read for a minute or two, alone!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A Colehaus Cats flashback:

2020 – No post
2019 – No post
2018 – No post
2017Around Colehaus
2016 – No post
2015Ruby Tuesday
2014Who’s Knocking?
2013 – No post
2012 – No post

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12 Responses to 07/14/2021 Denial is not a Cat word

  1. Quint, nice job of keeping your Mom out where you can get at her!
    I’ve learned to read by balancing a book on the cat in my lap (Paddy), or by holding my phone while listening to an audiobook and playing solitaire in the air, while Manny or Chili Bruce or Sweetie climb on my chest to laze.

  2. Brian says:

    A closed door, really?

  3. Rene says:

    Noooooo not a closed door!

  4. Summer says:

    But… why would anyone want to be in a room that had no cats in it?

  5. catscue says:

    Closed doors and cats – never a happy ending! MOL!

  6. Poor Quint 🙁 Let Me In!!!

  7. I’m amazed you’ve been able to keep the cats out of that room.

  8. catladymac says:

    Those are good questions Quint !

  9. 15andmeowing says:

    That is funny. 🙂

  10. meowmeowmans says:

    A closed door is kind of an offensive thing to all cats, no?

  11. Memories of Eric and Flynn says:

    A closed door! Really?

  12. Timmy Tomcat says:

    What in Sam’s Hill do they think they are doing barring us from any room! In OUR House too!

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