07/12/2021 – Hot for Monday

Hot whiffies at the window © Colehauscats.com
Hot whiffies at the window © Colehauscats.com

Hmm, smells like it’s going to be another hot day. There’s only one good thing this cat does on hot days.

Hot weather nap © Colehauscats.com
Hot weather nap © Colehauscats.com

Wake me when it gets cooler, Dad!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Another warehouse kitten © Colehauscats.com
Another warehouse kitten © Colehauscats.com

The very day after we found a small kitten under the metal floor grates of the assembly warehouse Mom works at, another kitten was found! This soft gray puff was much more active than the first (we posted about that one last week), and nearly twice the size. This little boy went to the same home as the first found kitten where they will be fostered together until old and strong enough to find real forever homes.

The next day, we looked and searched and no more kittens were found, however, we did hear that on the other side of the 2 1/2 football fields-sized warehouse, two weeks ago, two kittens who didn’t have their eyes open yet were found tottering about from under a wood pallet and were taken to a local humane society. A week later, another kitten was found in the same area who looked like his eyes had just opened. That one was instantly adopted by a woman who works nearby in the distribution center.

We’re not expecting to find any more kittens going forward but everyone working there vows to keep their ears open for tiny mews under their feet!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A Colehaus Cats flashback:

2020 – No post
2019 – No post
2018 – No post
2017Cat Days? Every Day!
2016 – No post
2015 – No post
2014 – No post
2013Still Grumpy
2012 – No post

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12 Responses to 07/12/2021 – Hot for Monday

  1. It’s been cool and rainy here..so unlike a typical July.

  2. We’ve got the hots here too. We hope all the kittens have been found and are safe.

  3. Someone keep an eye out for the mama cat, so she can get trapped and spayed…gotta end that cycle.
    Don’t listen to what The Island Cats says…it may be cool today, but it’s going to be very steamy ’round here very soon, and we’ll be all sweaty and cranky again.

  4. 15andmeowing says:

    Good luck keeping cool.

  5. Memories of Eric and Flynn says:

    It has been a mostly cold wet summer here but forecast to improve from tomorrow. The kitten is cute. I hope that is the last one now and that the mum can be caught.

  6. Brian says:

    Hot cats and cool kitten rescuers, bravo!

  7. catladymac says:

    Glad these babies are finding safe haven.

  8. We definitely plan on sleeping through these hot days. Who are we kidding? We like to sleep no matter what the weather.

  9. Summer says:

    It is that time where kittens show up a lot! They did here. I’m glad all the ones that have been found at your work have been fostered or adopted or taken care of in some way.

  10. We are the same too when it’s hot outside. We have the air on and sleep away hoping to wake up to cooler weather. It’s so wonderful that these little one’s will find furever homes soon. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day.

  11. Carole Schulman says:

    Oh the precious little babies. I wonder if mamma can be found. Bless you for helping.
    Katie Isabella

  12. meowmeowmans says:

    Well, we sure are glad everyone is on the lookout and willing to help those wayward kittens. 🙂

    Stay cool, dear pals!

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